1 agpinoy Sep 10, 2005 19:06
3 agpinoy Sep 10, 2005 19:38
That was very helpful! :D
4 edb Sep 10, 2005 20:12
Also look for the same code in the files in your xmlsrv folder. 8 of 9 files have it, so delete it there as well. Syndication can generate a LOT of hits because anyone who aggregates your blog might refresh several times a day. You will get an aggregator hit for each refresh even if you haven't posted anything new.
5 yabba Sep 11, 2005 12:04
conf/_functions_hitlog.php :-
function log_hit()
6 john Sep 11, 2005 12:41
should that be..
7 yabba Sep 11, 2005 13:24
Lol, probably :p
If you are using skins, look in the _main.php file of your skin for this :
If you allow skin-switching, then you have to delete that line in all skins you are using.