2 edb Sep 12, 2005 02:16

Where in my directory can I find this database (evo_posts)?
Where can I find evo_postcats?
Antony. XX
the database is not a file but ... a database...
The databased is stored on the server your blog is running on.
Normally your host must have given you an adminpanel (like cpanel of plesk). From thereon you can access phpmyadmin.
Via cpanel, I have found phpadmin. But cant work out how to do it. Got my list of databases on left and my fields on right.
Further guidence please?
Antony. XXX
On the left select the database for your b2evolution installation. The left will become table names in that table and the right becomes ?something?.
On the left select the field name - start with evo_posts. The left stays like it was and the right will become that table's structure, plus have a bunch of buttons across the top.
On the right click the 'browse' link. The right side will now show the contents of that table - each entry and every field value. Notice how each line has a little 'edit' and 'delete' icon? Find the post you think is the culprit and delete it.
Go back to the left and select evo_postcats so you can browse to the associated category entries and delete them.
The first time I messed around in there I clicked something I thought would do something - and it did. Problem is I have no clue what it actually did other than completely break my blog. I had to delete it and start over. No biggie, but anyway be careful in there.
Ah sorted,
Positive regards,
Antony. XX
In your database: evo_posts has the posts, so you can scan it and look for the title or the content - then delete that particular entry. Note the ID number first because you'll need it. You then go into evo_postcats and look for entries with the post ID in the postcat_post_ID field and delete it/them as well. I think that'll remove the post the way deleting a post would.