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1 Sep 15, 2005 19:46    

I hope that I am posting this in the right area, and I have checked through the posts and I have not seen a similar question. Please direct me if there is one already.

I have been following much of the advice for preventing both comment and referrer spam. I am setting up about 100 blogs for 2 University courses that I teach. I have been hit with comment spam before, and with that many more users, I figured it would open us up to even more. Added to the fact that I need to ensure the the content is professional and academic (and the porn spam is really quite a shock in a religious studies class).

Has comment verification been done yet with B2Evolution? Any advice would be helpful



2 Sep 15, 2005 20:20


moderate comments:

There may be others, but those are the two that come to mind.

As is always the case, keep your antispam table up to date (often requiring several "request update"s in a row until you get only one response that is "not needed - already handled"), and ban/delete/report spammers as soon as you see them.

Gosh now *again* I remember I never published my bobobox hack. It's a low-level word verification thing, but it stopped the problem for me.

Oh heck now I remember the really really easy one: change the name of your htsrv folder, as identified in the first post in It's not a word verification method, but the goal is to stop comment spam right?

3 Sep 15, 2005 21:54

Those topics are also worth reading:

  • [url=]How to control referer spam hits from search engines[/url]

  • [url=]Public Stats: Reduce Referrer Spam Weight[/url]

  • [url=]Spam: an IP based approach[/url][/list:u]

  • It really helps not being indexed on search engines as a blog publishing its statistics, so update your skins to remove the 'disp=stats' and others to reduce your blog's inclusion into spammers databases... Moreover, since I updated my .htaccess blog to define the following filters (appearing at the end of .htaccess):
    # Skip whitelist (empty referrer, search engine or other trusted sites)
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^(http:\/\/(www[0-9]?\.google\.[^\/\?]{2,6}|search\.msn\.[^\/\?]{2,6}|[^\/]{2,20}\.yahoo\.com|www\.allisonline\.com|[^\/\?]{2,6}\.altavista\.com|a9\.com|[^\/]{2,20}\.msn\.(be|ca)|www\.alltheweb\.com|([^\/\?]{3,20}\.)?b2evolution\.net|(www\.|blog\.)?lesperlesduchat\.com|[^\/\?]{5,25}\.fr|((blog|www)\.voissa|daphneethippolyte\.blogspot|(www\.(adultblogindex|journalduporn|les-bas-noirs|mubility))|cain69annu\.mylinea|portal\.eatonweb|sexe\.humanfee)\.com|([^\/\?]{3,20}\.((canalblog|hautetfort|over-blog|typepad)\.com|entierement\.nu|e-oekaki\.info))|shboy\.org)([\/\?].*))?$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^.*$ - [L]
    # Block referer spam
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^((http:\/\/)?[^\/\?]*(\.(am|at|br|by|bz|cc|de|in(fo)?|jp|kz|la|ly|ms|name|nl|nu|ru|sk|to|us|ws)($|[\/\?])|\bmaxi\.|\bmaximum\.|pharm|\bpill|\bmed\b|\bmeds\b|\bcialis|cialis\b|viagra|phent|vicodin|celexa|poker|casino|buy|debt|credit|incest|bankrupt|loan|cheap|cash|money|finance)).*$ [NC,OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} (-happydale\.org|\.7zulu\.org|\.afraid\.org|\.aixx\.com|\.alabamaworks\.org|\.assparade\.com|\.assplundering\.com|\.bitlocker\.net|\.blrforward\.org|\.chiki-piki\.com|\.ddomen\.com|\.denrer\.com|\.dnip\.net|\.fiberia\.com|\.fincompa\.com|\.funktio\.org|\.gacicuba\.org|\.good-phentermine\.com|\.hopto\.org|\.hotelgaydays\.com|\.ignorelist\.com|\.ipfixe\.com|\.ivtcscs\.org|\.jixx\.de|\.jobsteve\.com|\.jxnarc\.org|\.latexgalleriesporn\.com|\.lenarcic\.org|\.mentorsverige\.org|\.mpegbestiality\.com|\.mygamesite\.net|\.netfirms\.com|\.prout\.be|\.rapedhousewife\.com|\.search-corp\.com|\.serveftp\.net|\.sickeness\.com|\.siteburg\.com|\.static\.net|\.stock-a\.com|\.sytes\.net|\.t28\.net|\.test\.com|\.tiny-search-engine\.com|\.tugjobs\.com|\.twinstatesnetwork\.org|\.ukrtel\.net|\.worfa\.org|\.x-honi\.com|\.zu5\.net|california-job-nurse-travel\.blogspot\.com|care-health-job-usa\.blogspot\.com|insurance|search-corp\.com|sickeness\.com|texas-|tiny-search-engine\.com) [NC]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(antispam\.php) [NC]
    RewriteRule .* antispam.php?from=%{HTTP_REFERER}&to=%{REQUEST_URI} [R=302,L]
    I have very few referrer spamming and only one comment spam for weeks. Adding common, but sexual or pharmaceutics words to your local blacklist would also help preventing from having sexually oriented material in your comments. Obviously, if your blog have to talk about medecine and sexuality, that won't help a lot! I'm afraid there is no bayesian antispam filter filter available for [url=]b2evolution[/url] yet... Maybe into the [url=]Ultimate Antispam Plug-in[/url]...

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