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1 Sep 18, 2005 23:55    

On [url=]my blog[/url] I wish to prevent the first blog "" from displaying every new post made, even in other blogs. I would like any new posts to be kept within the blog they were posted in, and not there. What must I change or set to make this happen?

Thank you!

2 Sep 19, 2005 00:08

Please search the forums for this. It's been covered a hundred times, and was even detailed in the default installation. EVERYTHING shows up in blog #1 - it's effectively an aggregator blog for all the other blogs in your installation. If you don't want that to happen then don't post in blog #1 and don't include it in your public blog list.

It's a common 'mistake' people make: "blog 1 is my blog" without having noticed that the default installation says

This blog (blog #1) is actually a very special blog! It automatically aggregates all posts from all other blogs. This allows you to easily track everything that is posted on this system. You can hide this blog from the public by unchecking 'Include in public blog list' in the blogs admin.

BTW there is a way without hacking to exclude certain blogs from the category list on the sidebar, and somewhere there is a nifty hack for excluding certain blogs from being included in blog #1 (or maybe it's excluding categories...?). In other words, it's possible but the easiest way is to not use blog 1 as a blog you post in.

3 Sep 19, 2005 04:45

I figured this may be the problem. I tried searching for this, but it was a rather large search to comb through. However, this answers my question and it will hopefully be as painless to change as I anticipate... :-)

4 Sep 19, 2005 04:56

There is an option in your conf/_config file, or heck it might be _advanced or _admin, but whatever it is it's in the conf folder that lets you switch categories from one blog to another. Option value 3, but I don't recall the name off-hand. Also I think I had to set a variable called something like "enable_moving_chapters" to 'true' in order to get this to work.

ANYWAY if you can figure out sense from this you'll be able to move a category that you put in blog 1 over to blog 86 (for example). That will move all your posts along with the category.

Sorry for being a bit short with you there! It's just that sometimes the few forum junkies here get a bit burned ya know what I mean? Sometimes people just give up, and sometimes we post semi-rude responses. I've done both... Hopefully knowing you can move categories from blog to blog will help you more than some guy saying "just go search".

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