Hi All,
I have a question about how 0.9.1 handles the cookies for accessing admin. Until about a week ago, was the only version that I had ever worked with. I have always accessed my admin pages directly (www.blog.com/admin/b2edit.php).
Last week I upgraded to and it didn't work. Just yesterday I upgraded to 0.9.1, and it still doesn't work. Now I have to go through the link on my blog. And most of the time, it tells me that I have to log in, and once I get to the login screen, it tells me that I'm already logged in.
Any ideas on how I can fix it? Or is this the way the newer versions are supposed to work?
Check your baseurl value in conf/_config.php. AFAIK the cookie scene hasn't changed at all, so I'd look there first. No trailing slash, and very importantly you should be visiting the url as it is identified. In other words if you have www.blahblah.com that's different than blahblah.com
Oh wait a minute. I get stuck in that cycle sometimes. Do you have multiple installations running with similar baseurls? If you do then the cookies fight it out because there's only one cookie. like blahblah.com is one install, and blahblah.com/foo is another, so they both eat the same cookie. I fix this in one of two ways: my admin passwords are the same on my permanent installations, and for test installs I change the "b2evo_name" parameter in (I always forget this part) conf/_admin or conf/_advanced. That field sets up the cookie name, so now you get a new cookie for a new installation.