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1 Sep 23, 2005 18:55    

Hi there!
I almost ruined the whole template trying to fix this on my own, so now I'm turning to you for some advice.

Take a look at my blog:

Ok, it's a little bit dodgy but I'm working on it. The first thing you see are probably the links (Link 1-5) in the header picture. Here's my first question: How do I get rid of these?

Secondly, in the leaf template there is a function that makes you chose text size on page. If you point your mouse to the upper right corner of the header, just above the picture, you will see that there is something there. Ive seen other bloggs with this and the text size options (three of them) are marked as the letter R in three different sizes. How can I make this function visual cause now you cant see it?

And finally, if I want to insert a picture to the right , just between blog name and the short presentation (here in Swedish, sorry), where do I do that?

I appreciate all the help I can get. I know some people are tired of these n00b questions, but I am happy and grateful to all of you that are not and who help us daft beginners with our problems :lol:

Many thanks!

2 Sep 23, 2005 19:06

1/ find this section of code in leaf/main.php and delete it (or comment it out)

				<!--	customize with your links here!			-->
				<li class="nav1"><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
				<li class="nav2"><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>

				<li class="nav3"><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>
				<li class="nav4"><a href="#">Link 4</a></li>
				<li class="nav5"><a href="#">Link 5</a></li>

2/ find this section of your code and add the red bits

<h3 class="hidden">Adjust font size:</h3>

<li class="font1"><a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet('Small');return false;" title="Small">R</a></li>
<li class="font2"><a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet('Medium');return false;" title="Medium">R</a></li>
<li class="font3"><a href="#" onclick="setActiveStyleSheet('Large');return false;" title="Large">R</a></li>

3/ add <img src="" width="##px" height="##px" alt="a picture" /> to your blog short description


3 Sep 23, 2005 19:26

...there is a problem as soon as I edit the is as if the page loses all the css stuff and go totally bananas. I will leave the blog like this for some time and hopefully someone will see what I am talking about, , then I will change it back to the "better looking" page again. Why does this happen?

4 Sep 23, 2005 19:40

Right now your blog is not finding a css file. It's good practice to put your css files in the same directory as your particular skin. Right now your _main.php page is searching for css files at ../Application%20Data/Ipswitch/WS_FTP/Storage/01_style0101.css. If you put the css files in the same directory as your _main.php file then you should only have to type <link rel="stylesheet" href="01_style0101.css" type="text/css" /> and it should work.

5 Sep 23, 2005 19:55

I don't know if you're in the middling of changing it, because your css is in skins/leaf, so all you need do is change the stylesheet links as Nate said.


6 Sep 23, 2005 20:11

crap! Yeah i see it...why does my ftp software interfere in this?? Arrrrgh! >:-<

Well thanks a lot! I got it now! I will never do the mistake of go "edit" in the ftp software again, always transfer the file directly and then edit :)

Oh, by the way, when you edit themes and templates in admin, it seems that you can only edit custum template. Is that normal?

Many thanks!

7 Sep 23, 2005 21:50

Oh, by the way, when you edit themes and templates in admin, it seems that you can only edit custum template. Is that normal?

Yeah .... but..
there's a hack on the forum to allow "any" skin


you could just delete custom and rename leaf to custom


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