I´ve just noticed, that andrewsblog.net has been added to the spam-list. As far as I am following this Andrew himself is not spamming. He is just one victim of a current spamrun. There are some other innocent blogs, which are mentioned in different spam comments, but which are not spamming themselves.
Read more about it [url=http://www.i-marco.nl/weblog/archive/2005/09/19/some_updates_on_the_pollution_]here[/url]. Or this [url=http://www.textformer.de/index.php/2005/09/26/pollution_spam_unterwandert_zentrale_ant]post[/url] in my own blog (in german).
The fact that andrewsblog.net actually made it onto the spamlist shows, that - sadly - the spamrun is successful.
I just removed Andrewsblog.net from the b2evolution central blacklist. Those who have updated their lists while this item was published will have to manually remove it from their local list. List maintainers need to check links before approving them. That's not an easy task since so many of these links are gross or annoying, but if someone is doing this, then that's what we'll have to do.