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1 Sep 29, 2005 14:28    

The Main blog aggregates all blog entries into the main index page and into several feeds. This feature is useful when you want to post something to your blog that should be shared with anyone and everyone visiting it. However, this feature impedes people’s willingness to use their blog for purposes other than a soapbox. Purposes such as publishing information that may only be useful to themselves, their immediate team members or their manager. Consider the use of a blog as a way to report status to your manager and your close colleagues; such information would be better off not broadcast to everyone visiting your aggregation blog or subscribed to its aggregate feeds.

I want something like a category of “b2_broadcast” into its aggregate feeds and into the “Recent Entries” listing on its main index page. So, if you’re thinking of writing something worth sharing with the rest of users,you’ll find that there is a new “b2_broadcast” category in your blog which you should assign to your blog entry. B2 permits you to assign multiple categories to any blog entry, so you’ll be assigning “blogbox_broadcast” in addition to any categorization you would normally perform.

As a result of this change, the main index page is rather bare (except for this post), and its feeds are likewise pretty empty.
Also How can I have multiple aggregation blogs which aggregate data from different selective blogs eg : Aggregator1 gets all posts from blog 1,2,3
and Aggregator2 gets all posts from blogs 4,5 and 6.

2 Sep 29, 2005 14:31

I know this isn't exactly what you're talking about, but have you played around with post status yet? You can set a post to 'Protected' so only logged in users (who are set as members in the blog permissions) can see the posts.

3 Sep 29, 2005 14:36

I have played around with that and that works perfectly fine but I really want to achive what I have written in the entry.
Is that possible someway ?
I drafted the question very carefully and i hope that what I want is absolutely clear to you.
You have lot of knowledge of i have seen from the previous posts..please guide me thru this.


4 Sep 29, 2005 15:06

The workings of the blog aggregator goes beyond my current knowledge. Here's another idea that might come closer to what you want. You could enable cross-posting between blogs, then create a blog that a group of users has permission to post to. When they make a post to their blog that they want ot share, then choose a category in their own blog and a category in the shared blog, and the post shows up in both places.

5 Sep 29, 2005 15:20

Hello Personman

Actually the shared blog concept does not seem to work, it only allows a user to post entries toa category in the blog he clicks on the write page. though it shows all other blogs he has the right to write to.
So a concept of shared category acc to me does not exist in the present archictecture of b2.
Please correct me if I am wrong .


6 Sep 29, 2005 15:25

Cross-posting is not enabled by default, but it's easy to turn on. Open up /conf/_admin.php and find

$allow_cross_posting = 1;

and change it to 2.

7 Sep 29, 2005 15:34

Yeah personman
I got the code snippet and modified it , it sure works the way u had described

Its been of great help.
But still if we could make a concept of separate aggreagtor and something which could limit which blogs are gonna be throwing entries in the main blog.It would be great.
For now its a really great solution and I will try and suffice with this.


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