2 saggerpance Oct 14, 2005 20:13

I'm pretty sure both of these questions have been asked and answered. Have you tried using the forum search feature?
yeh. I didnt see anything. Have any suggestions for search terms?
"embed tag" just gave me thirteen responses. I'm sure "increase upload size" will give up the goods on that one. Be sure to check the radio button to search for all terms.
well screw me...
alright, I've got the _formatting.php open and I see how they put in the object and param tags, but what should I put after the embed tag
"'object' = > E_Iinline.' param ',
'param' = > E_Iinline,
'embed" => ????
I don't understand. I tried what those threads said and it's not working. Please help me. There must be a straight forward way to add embed tags to the accepted tag list.
The <embed> tag is deprecated in XHTML, the standard to which b2evolution was written.
That doesn't mean that you can't add it, which you can, it's just that you could probably insert your object without it.
What type of <object> are you trying to add?
The _formatting.php file is broken into two main part (best I can tell). The top part is for allowed code in ENTRIES/POSTS and the bottom part is for allowed entries in COMMENTS.
Whenever you want to add a tag, you need to make sure to:
(1) Add the tag;
(2) define all of the tags that (a) the new tag might contain and (b) if the new tag is a subtag of another (like <embed> is to <object>) that you define the new tag as an allowed subtag) and
(3) that you add any attributes that the new tag uses.
I'll be happy to help you out, but let's take it a step at a time. What's the HTML that you're trying to add?
-stk :D
I was trying to insert a midi, but I found a way around that so I don't have to put it on my site through the blog. I'm likely to want to use wmvs and quicktime objects too, though.
the html I was wanting to use was
<embed src="http://saggerpance.net/midi/holiday.mid" autostart="true" loop="true" width="0" height="20">
We stream flash videos (in FLV format) from our site and play audio as SWF files (which is better than MP3, which calls up the visitors audio solution - which may be a myriad of things). The SWF plays thru the Flash plug-in and dosn't require a pop-up window.
Neither of these require an <embed> tag.
I haven't done a midi before, but I wouldn't think it should be too difficult, as (I believe) it's played directly thru the user's sound card.
I'll see if I can find a midi file somewhere and come up with an XHTML-valid code to play it. No promises, but I'll give it a try.
-stk :D
Hmmm. Not as easy as I was thinking, at least, not at first blush.
The Netscape <embed> tag adds a nifty little set of player controls that just doesn't seem to be replicated in an <object> World.
OKAY ... I'm taking a step back, using your code and seeing if I can't find out what needs to be edited in the _formatting.php file to allow the <embed> tag.
OKAY ... I think I got you the <embed> tag in the formatting file, though there was one glitch at the end.
First ... you need to add the tag. Add
'embed' => E_Iinline,
in the "Array showing what tags are allowed and what their allowed subtags are". (Your embed didn't have any subtags).
Second ... you need to add the tag's attributes. Add
'embed' => A_attrs.' src autostart loop width height ',
in the "// Array showing allowed attributes for tags". (I just put in all the ones your example had).
BUT ... I still got an error when I tried to save your example (Said "Tag <embed> must be inside another tag")
So ... I played around with it and ... gave up (got two beers in the fridge that are calling loud and clear :) ) Why fight it? I put the thing in a <div>, which doesn't affect anything, but seems to please the html-checking Gods. (It was a cheap solution and did I say ... two beers ... ) ;)
I just added "embed" as an allowed subtag of <div> and it works fine. To do that, just find the <div> tag in the "Array showing what tags are allowed and what their subtags are" (it's like the 2nd one in the list, just after the array comment). Then add "embed" to the list. Should look something like
'div' => E_Flow.' object param embed ',
The only other comment ... you might want to change the height/width of your player (one of them was 0 ... so the player didn't show).
With the changes to the _formatting.php file, here's what I ended up with (close to yours) ...
<div><embed src="http://randsco.com/_img/audio/babe.mid" autostart="true" loop="true" width="140" height="120">
Hope this helps.
Miller time!
-stk :D
you're my hero.
Hey, it's nice to be somebody's hero!
-stk :D
Glad I was able to help.
Thank you stk
this work for video also very good ,just needs some optikal cotrol too
will find the atributs for that --hpe so
just open now is some IF the file extension is 3gp or mp4 ad the ebaded tag
hmm , now more or less nothing about coding .just tray to read in this form and learn what i need
yes and t gets late some times ,... yes now beer in the frig .(
If some body could help me with the MMS tag how too ..
it would be grate
my site http://blog.cameraman.at
on the FOX site ther i test the videos
mohab ...
You caught me with two beers already!! ;)
I was able to play your video [url=http://www.cameraman.at/4images/data/media/21/amir1132625119.3gp]here[/url] directly (by typing the link into the browser address bar).
However, on the site (using MSIE sp2) ... all I see is a "player" and it doesn't play anything :'(
I always recommend ...
(1) AVOID <embed> tag, if you can, because it's deprecated in XHTML (we've been able to avoid it, tho I *think* this is the one thread where I couldn't help somebody get around it? ... don't remember. 2 beers ;) )
(2) Forget about the html-checker ... turn it off. Get the code working on your site FIRST ... then worry about the silly html-checker LATER.
(to turn it off ... open /conf/_formatting.php and change the use_html_checker = 1 ... to 0 (off) )
Don't forget to turn it back on again. :D
I'm not familiar with the 3gp file extension? Surely there must be some code somewhere on the 'net that will play the file?
Hmmm ... had a quick look. Seems that it is from a mobile phone, yes? 3G = "3rd Generation"
According to Apple-Quicktime [url=http://www.apple.com/quicktime/technologies/h264/]h.264 format[/url] (3gp is supported in Quicktime 7) ... so you have the correct player!
Just need to find the right HTML to serve it up. :) (If the file is viewable directly, must be able to play it?!)
Good luck.
and how do I up the upload size and stuff like that?