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1 Oct 28, 2005 22:19    

i will start by saying... i know NOTHING about CSS. and i do mean nothing :)

but basically, i am trying to start an investing site, and have a [url=]BLOG[/url] going... today was the first time i ever went and looked at my blog in firefox and i must say i was NOT impressed. i am trying to make the move to using firefox all the time like most of my friends are doing and now i wonder how many times i sent a friend to see my blog and they saw the ugliness that i see in firefox.

but, i dont know CSS, and i am lucky to have gotten anything accomplished web design wise.... its just not my thing, but at the same time i have no help on my [url=]BLOG[/url] or my site... but im doing ok... but can someone who uses mozilla take a look at my blog and let me know if there is something i can change in dreamweaver to make it look like it does in internet explorer?

heres my [url=]BLOG[/url]

im sorry if this is in the wrong forum


2 Oct 28, 2005 23:11

I counted 46 opening div tags on your page and only 45 closing div tags. That could be part of it. The text at the ver bottom of the page ("All trades are examples only . . .") is probably involved with the problem. In firefox it shows up at the top of the page and off to the right. In IE it's at the botom, but you can't read it since it's white text on a white background. Opera seems to be showing it where you intended for it to be. I [url=]checked your page in a validator[/url] and found 73 errors. I don't know if any of them are causing these problems, but you'll want to clean those up to be sure that all browsers display your code the same way. You also have several div tags that are empty.

<div align="center"></div>

I don't know if they're hurting anything, but you may want to get rid of them since they're certainly not helping.

I wasn't able to find the exact cause of your problem, but maybe those ideas will help you track it down.

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