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1 Nov 01, 2005 18:00    

hey ppl I get this on m blogs has linked to this page of my blog 1000000000 times....and it is continuing...

i know that it isnt google which is linking to taht statistic is spammers....but should I block Google ?

is there a way to Block JUST those Google reffers which linked to ..

what should I do ...isnt any way to delete the STATS page? I see that all spammers are linking to that page

is there any way to delete that page...I dont need it

*** MYSITE is not my ADress, I dont mention it URL here because spammers are stalking here to find some url to attack to.

2 Nov 02, 2005 05:17

I had the same problem over the weekend. I ended up blacklisting Google. At least for a while. I get the feeling it's not Google, but someone wanting us to blacklist Google, but it worked, didn't it?

3 Nov 02, 2005 11:45

so nobody is going to help me ?

4 Nov 02, 2005 14:15

I'm having that problem as well. 8000+ hits!

I just use the ban button but delete all the hits (even though that gets rid of the legitimate searches too :( ), but it is irritating seeing that.

5 Nov 02, 2005 14:56

somebody please Rescue us ... we need HELP

6 Nov 02, 2005 18:11

I'm not sure it's anything anyone can do anything about. Google is legit, but someone is probably spoofing it to eat up bandwitdth. Someone with too much time on their hands. The only solution I can see is to ban google, which I have, at least for now. It's not a perfect solution, but it's better than nothing.

7 Nov 02, 2005 21:05

hey guys a bad news,... my hosting suspended my hosting for using too much of the resources...


is there any way to Delete this Stats ? I am so sad.... my hosting suspended me .... I wish you spammers go to hell..and I wish you burn there forever.

8 Nov 02, 2005 21:44

I beg you please help me , what to do , i will begg my hosting account to re-active my hosting...

tell me what to do after he re-actived my hosting...please answer I am in pain and sarrow and depression.

10 Nov 02, 2005 22:49

hey my hosting has a IP DENY manager , which I can deny some IPS to access to my site,
how I can find out the IP of that person which is sending spamm traffic by GOOGLE's name ?

11 Nov 02, 2005 23:40

please please please tell me how I can find out the IP of that spammer which is spamming by Google's face ? please tell me hosting has given me some hours to solve this problem or i will have to buy a dedidcated server from them....plz

12 Nov 03, 2005 03:04

First, ban/delete/report the spammer. If you don't want to you don't have to, but that is what the tool is for. Second, each referer hit has an IP associated with it. That means when you click the ban symbol next to a spammer you'll see all the IPs the spammer is using. Sometimes they're all different, and sometimes they're all the same, and sometimes you can find two or three IPs that cover the majority of the hits from a heavy spammer.

EDIT: UPGRADE!!! disp=stats has no meaning or value in the dawn package.

13 Nov 03, 2005 05:49

EdB wrote:

Second, each referer hit has an IP associated with it. That means when you click the ban symbol next to a spammer you'll see all the IPs the spammer is using.

wait version is and I dont see any KEY to see the IPS of the hacker... :'(

it is good that the down version doenst have that Stats page...

I already deleted that in the Skin so when they link to it they get error going to work ?

14 Nov 03, 2005 11:38

medya wrote:

I already deleted that in the Skin so when they link to it they get error going to work ?

Apply the solutions suggested in the following post:

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