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1 Nov 01, 2005 22:20    

I upgraded from .10 to .12 on a new server.

1. I want to move my old database to the new server. Has the database changed? Do I just backup the data and restore the data on the new server?

2. I modified the skin pretty extensively and I would like to continue to use it. Can I just move over that folder or are their design and code changes in there that I will be missing?

Thanks so much!

UPDATE: I backed up and restored the database and everything appears to be fine. Do I need to run the upgrade utility on the database or is it ok as is (I think it was version .10).

UPDATE 2: I just moved the skin over and everything is fine. This was a piece of cake.


Since I brought over my old database and old skin am I missing any functionality of the new version? If so, how do I resolve it?


2 Nov 01, 2005 23:08

Yes, run the install and tell it that you're upgrading. It will bring your database up to speed. As far as I know your skin will work fine. Get the new install up and running, then try it out. Is there any reason you're not going with the current version: 0.9.1?

3 Nov 02, 2005 01:31

personman wrote:

Is there any reason you're not going with the current version: 0.9.1?

I tried a manual install of it and was running into problems so I reverted to a Fantastico install which was only .12. I would have tried harder with the 0.9.1 install but you guys are planning a 2.0 release soon anyway so I'll just wait for that. Speed and server load haven't been a problem for me so I'm not concerned yet.


EDIT: Actually now that you mention it perhaps I'll try again :)

4 Nov 02, 2005 05:00

K. I got 0.9.1 installed without any problems the second time :)

It is very fast. Me likey :)

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