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1 Nov 03, 2005 08:56    

Hi all,

I did a fresh install tonight. I saw that there's a
new download that's suppose to be an improvement
in combatting spam. So I'll try it one more time
with "Dawn".

Some of my bloggers stopped posting on account
of all the spam. And I had my service interupted
more than once because it was using up all the
system resources.

Also, I'd like for the "Top Referrers" and "Recent
Referrers" boxes to not be shown, because already
I see links for porno sites showing up there. ;-(

Can someone tell me how to delete those,, or
make them invisible until I can learn how to edit
and screen referrers more effectively?


2 Nov 03, 2005 14:59

Upgrade to the 0.9.1 (dawn). IT doesn't do referer stats in order to remove the spammer's motivation. It also greatly reduces the load spammers put on your server whether you show them or not.

If you've customized your skin at all you can probably still use it with dawn, but you'll have to manually remove the referer bits from your sidebar. covers that.

Finally, keep your antispam tables up to date! talks about that aspect of it.

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