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1 Nov 16, 2005 20:18    

here is what is see at the log file after i upgrade to 0.9.1

Http Code: 403 Date: Nov 16 20:50:07 Http Version: HTTP/1.1 Size in Bytes: 1176

The referrer is blacklisted but still it gets some bytes.

Do i need to use a .htaccess file again?

I only installed 0.9.1 and upgraded the blacklist.

2 Nov 16, 2005 21:33

Spammers on the blacklist are shown an error page when they try to send a spammy referral. It still uses a little bit of bandwidth, but much less than serving the whole page they're trying to reach. You can use .htaccess to block them entirely.

3 Nov 16, 2005 22:05

which error pages?

It is better to change those error pages and their size to 0 byte.

What is their location?

4 Nov 17, 2005 07:20

in b2evocore it's You can want to edit that to shrink a few bytes out of it, but hold on a sec. It's possible that a 'banned' referer is someone you're okay with, and that page gives the visitor a message saying "click here if you're a real human" type of thing. It also says something to the effect of "oh by the way (you stinking spammer pig) don't bother doing trackback crap because this blog does the nofollow thing so you ain't getting no linkage love". Therefore it's not hard to see where a few more bytes can be saved.

5 Nov 17, 2005 07:54

I see. I may edit the file. I dont think so someone real at the banned list will visit me, at least i hope.

I hate those spammers. Now i agree. It should be a be a crime and penalized.

6 Nov 17, 2005 09:04

Hold on a sec...

As an admin of the antispam list I can PROMISE you there are keywords in there that might be part of domains you won't find offensive. For example I just now saw where we are getting reports from someone with "-poker" in their domain name. It's a banned keyword for good reason, but it's very possible that this sequence of characters shows up in a non-spammy web that might link to you. Also consider various drug names that are part of the keyword list. You might not blog about the topic but someone with a banned drug name in their domain who isn't a spammer might link to you.

The keyword list is NOT a list of domains. It'd be over 45 THOUSAND entries if we simply banned domain names. Instead we do some thinking and decide if a keyword should be added or not. "viagra" is banned, as is phentermine and vioxx. Suppose someone with "vioxxalmostkilledme.whatever" links to you? Are they a spammer? Probably not, which means traffic from them is real traffic.

We have to look at a big picture, so the code offers the exceptions a way to get through. Just something to think about...

EDIT: The new blogger has 'poker-' and not '-poker'. The point is this FYI is the same.

7 Nov 17, 2005 13:31

You are right.

I had big problems with the bandwith expense due to the spammers thats why i dont care whether they are real or now. My current mood is not to see a size=1176 or smthg at the web site stats. I feel better when the spammers just get 0 or 5 byte when they tried to access my site. But unfortunatelly i am getting tired of updating .htaccess and blacklists.

It seems i should learn .htacess rules and create a script that will automatically do what i need.

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