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1 Nov 17, 2005 17:26    

Installing b2evolution tables with sample data
Creating table for Groups... OK.
Creating default groups... OK.
Creating table for Blog-User permissions... OK.
Creating table for Settings... OK.
Creating table for Users... OK.
Creating table for Blogs... OK.
Creating table for Categories... OK.
Creating table for Posts... OK.
Creating table for Categories-to-Posts relationships... OK.
Creating table for Comments... OK.
Creating table for Hit-Logs... OK.
Creating table for Antispam Blackist... OK.
Creating default blacklist entries... OK.
Creating table for Locales... OK.
Creating default blogs... OK.
Creating sample categories... OK.
Creating sample posts for blog A... OK.
Creating default linkblog entries... OK.
Creating sample posts... OK.
Creating sample comments... OK.
Creating default users...

MySQL error!

Field 'user_firstname' doesn't have a default value(Errno=1364)

Your query:

INSERT INTO evo_users (user_login, user_pass, user_nickname, user_email, user_ip, user_domain, user_level, user_locale, dateYMDhour, user_grp_ID) VALUES ('admin', '7efc504aa5862721543753ef2be40995', 'admin', 'postmaster@localhost', '', 'localhost', 10, 'en-EU', '2005-11-17 16:13:50', 1)

2 Nov 23, 2005 06:19

I not sure how the install will ever work as the user table is created with many fields that do not allow NULL's yet the install script does not complete all the fields required.

I have got past this error by changing the CREATE TABLE statement in "install/_functions_create.php".

I replaced lines 42 -> 67 with:

	$query = "CREATE TABLE $tableusers (
		ID int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
		user_login varchar(20) NOT NULL,
		user_pass CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
		user_firstname varchar(50) NULL,
		user_lastname varchar(50) NULL,
		user_nickname varchar(50) NOT NULL,
		user_icq int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
		user_email varchar(100) NOT NULL,
		user_url varchar(100) NULL,
		user_ip varchar(15) NOT NULL,
		user_domain varchar(200) NOT NULL,
		user_browser varchar(200) NULL,
		dateYMDhour datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
		user_level int unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
		user_aim varchar(50) NULL,
		user_msn varchar(100) NULL,
		user_yim varchar(50) NULL,
		user_locale varchar(20) DEFAULT 'en-EU' NOT NULL,
		user_idmode varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'login',
		user_notify tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 1,
		user_grp_ID int(4) NOT NULL default 1,
		UNIQUE user_login (user_login),
		KEY user_grp_ID (user_grp_ID)

Effectively this changes the fields to allow NULL's. I am new to b2evolution today so am not sure what the later ramifications of this change are....but at least I am now past install eh!

I am running the following config:

    Windows 2003 (IIS 6.0) PHP 5.05 b2evolution [/list:u]

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