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1 Nov 21, 2005 20:21    

I had, at one point, a blog in one of my installations which was numbered blog5. At some point I deleted that blog5 and now, in the database and in the b2evo admin panel, my blogs are listed as 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7.

Now, if I were to use the b2evo admin panel to create a new blog, it would automatically assign it as blog 8.

Is it possible to manually edit the evo_blogs table and create a new field (new blog) numbered as 5, or will that not work? I know I shouldn't be worried so much about the blog numbers but something bothers me everytime I see the numbers skip in the admin panel.


2 Nov 21, 2005 22:04

I would create it in the backoffice as number 8, then manually change the table to make it number 5. That way you know it gets created properly.

3 Nov 21, 2005 23:03

yeah I might just do it that way. At some point when I have a test blog up again I'll try creating one manually and see if it causes any issues.

As a side note, in my 'evo_blogs' table, I have two blogs which show:


while the rest are blank after blog_UID. What's the blog_UID field do, and is there a reason why two of them would have 'NULL' and the rest blank?


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