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1 Nov 21, 2005 22:03    

I would love to see a poll plugin once Phoenix comes out. I was looking at [url=]Democrocy[/url], a GLP'd poll plugin for Wordpress. It uses Ajax to send the results so the page doesn't have to be reloaded. It also works when javascript is disabled. Since it's GPL, it should be no problem, legally speaking, to port this to b2evolution. I downloaded it thinking I might take a crack at it, but I'm pretty sure it's over my head. I'll start with something easier. But maybe posting this here will give someone some ideas. Once feature that will have to be added is support for multiple blogs. It needs to be easy to have several blogs using several different active polls. And by easy I mean the user shouldn't have to edit the skin to change the poll id. The Question table should probably be modified to have a blog id column. Then the backoffice tab for this can have the blogs listed across the top, like the write tab has.

Edit: Since the [url=]PHP/SWF charts lib[/url] looks like it will be standard in Phoenix, it wouldn't be too hard to make poll results show as a flash chart. The admin could even be given choices in the backoffice on whether to display the results as a pie chart, bar graph or non-flash results.

2 Dec 07, 2005 00:22

Does the Phoenix alpha version implement a poll system?

3 Dec 07, 2005 00:56

No, but this thread is requesting that someone develop a plugin to add poll functionality. I've actually started converting Democracy (see link above) to a b2evolution plugin. I've got it partially working and hope to make some more progress on it tonight. I'll post a link here if I ever get it finished.

4 Dec 07, 2005 09:25

Another free beer ticket in Rome for you, when you'll accomplish the task ;) (I should stop to chat with you guru's, otherwise I'll run out of business in a while, with these f*c*ing free-beers) :lol:



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