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1 Nov 28, 2005 16:52    

Question: Hi I see that it is possible to have 'No default' blog chosen at which point users are directed to 'default.php' how do you de-select the default such that your blog does not have a default.

Attempted: I've tried simply going into the admin screen for the currently selected default blog and changing the 'Preferred Access Type' to 'other blog through index.php' but this change does not take effect on save.

Idea: My thought is that I can use the default.php page as a landing page for my blog, akin to having a more standard 'web page' as the gateway to the blog instead of hitting the blog directly.


2 Dec 05, 2005 04:52

Gotta love that self education.

There is a setting for the B2Evo deployment in: settings -> general tab -> Display options - Default blog to display

'None' is an option here and this leads to a situation where the default.php page is displayed as the default page for the B2Evo deployment.

3 Dec 05, 2005 06:35

Glad you found the answer and brought it back here. I remembered the question but forgot I was curious how one would reach your goal, so thanks.

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