2 personman Nov 30, 2005 01:12

Yeah, I did the img thing, and even tried clicking on the link it generated in the dialog and copying it. Still nothing in the post window.
What do you mean by "link it generated"?
In CVS there's already the old behaviour that allows to insert posts directly after upload.
Please check out the demo.
There's still a problem when you upload several files and one of them fails, you re-upload it, but forgot to click on the "insert code" links.
Therefor I'd like to remember a list of the last uploaded files in the users session or something. Ideas?
I do see the add code to post in the demo, but it isn't there on my installation. It simply states that the image has been succesfully uploaded on mine.
I referred to the <div class "Image_block><img src="..., which is generated on the pop-up when you select an image and click on the img icon. However there is no way I can find to insert this code to the post...you can't cut and paste, and there is no insert option.
There's still a problem when you upload several files and one of them fails, you re-upload it, but forgot to click on the "insert code" links.
Therefor I'd like to remember a list of the last uploaded files in the users session or something. Ideas?
Yeah, the list that remains of the files that have not been linked to (or maybe they remain after being linked too?) is good.
Perhaps a hard coded insert button would be nice..maybe greyed out when not available.
yes its kinda hard to add the img to the post after upload.
Hi to all, i'm an italian users, and I've thesame problem to insert an uploaded image on the post...
there's a fix for this problem?
or i need to dowload the last 1.8-alpha that work correctly...
thx in advance for all your helps
It's not trivial to backport the changes made to the filemanager into 1.6 and that's one reason why it's called "alpha", sorry.
As said, 1.8 will have some improvements with that, but we'd be happy if you would test it at http://demo.b2evolution.net/ and give feedback here, what can be improved.
AFAIK, the "img" button (at the bottom next to "with selected"), when clicking "Files" from the "Write" tab should allow you to add the code to your post for the selected files.
in the demo version it is working mutch better than in 1.6. So I'm reassured.
One questions remains : the move/copy button.
I thought that it was to move a file from one dir to another.
You uploaded an img in subdir bloga, and you wnat it to mave to subdir blogb.
but when clicking on that button, it does nothing.
I see the file, it says that I'm in mov/copy mode but I can not select the 'new' target dir.
blueyed wrote:
It's not trivial to backport the changes made to the filemanager into 1.6 and that's one reason why it's called "alpha", sorry.
As said, 1.8 will have some improvements with that, but we'd be happy if you would test it at http://demo.b2evolution.net/ and give feedback here, what can be improved...
hi blueyed,
I test the demo and this particular features work really correctly, I think this version is better than 1.6... but there are many bugs on this? Isn't stable like the 1.6? Or better can we use or not?
AFAIK, the "img" button (at the bottom next to "with selected"), when clicking "Files" from the "Write" tab should allow you to add the code to your post for the selected files
this is the problem after upload an image, selected and then clicking the IMG button, a new next IMG button will be created with caption of the code image that I need to insert into the post, but in the post nothing appears and I can't copy the caption of thise new button because isn't selectable...
to understand better view this snapshot of my screen...
I hope that you understand cause my bad english.... other think I've translated over 80% of the italiana language there is a mail where I can send the message.po, and my credits ;-) ?
good work, and goodbye!
What I do is right-click on the little image icon (just left of "pinclock.jpg" in your screenshot) and "Copy Link Location". That's the fastest way I've found to copy/paste image locations from the file manager.
By the way, I think the lack of an "Add code to your post" option like there was in .9.x is really annoying. The only reason I even use the file manager is to upload photos to post on my blog. It will be great to see that feature back soon.
Hi Nate,
I agree... almost every blog's user, usually upload his photo to post in his blog... and I hope that this fundamental function will work in a few time, because I think it's a little bug on the invoke code...
otherwise now I try to copy the location as you suggest...
thx again to all
You have to go to the file manager tab, check the box next to the image, then click the little IMG button at the bottom. I think they'll make this easier before the final release of 1.6.