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1 Nov 29, 2005 16:08    

First of all: Congratualations. Looks fine.

I'm just playing a little bit.

In the German Version date for posts is yyyy-MM-dd instead of dd-MM-yyyy, how to change?

It would be helpfull for new installation-guiding to mention, that _config.php has to set on 755 (777?) an then set to what? back?

Same to blogs/a for the filemanager.

The locale-DE isn't translated yet for all strings?

need help for that?


2 Nov 29, 2005 19:19

You/we cannot change the date format (yet?). It would be quite difficult to transfer it back and forth (especially with the Javascript calendar).

chmod permissions depend on how you or your host has setup PHP.

/conf/_config.php should be writable by the PHP process. So 600 might be enough if the file is owned by the php/webserver user.
But probably often 660 or 666 is needed. After b2evo changed it you should set it to the most restrictive read-only mode (400, 440 or 444).

Additionally, yes, the folders media/blogs/ and media/users should be writable by PHP so that it can create subfolders there for the blogs and users media directories.

de-DE should be translated nearly completely, apart from some mismatches because of slight changes before the alpha got packaged. What do you mean exactly?
I'm the current translator myself, and IMHO the current translation status is ok. But if you have suggestions/corrections, please give feedback. You can also download the current [url=].po from CVS HEAD[/url], do your corrections and send it to me by email.

Please refer to the german forum for further discussing translations.

Thanks for your feedback!

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