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1 Dec 04, 2005 02:31    

It was just pointed out to me by a Microsoft Explorer user that my Kubrick blog won't allow users to select (and therefore copy) text from the entries. Things work okay in Firefox.

Did I screw something up myself, or is this to be expected with Kubrick? How do I fix it?

2 Dec 04, 2005 02:45

Wow! I did the conversion from the original kubrick to kubrick2evo and admit never having tried something as simple as copying text to paste into a different whatever. I visited the skin in IE, but didn't try copying text out of it. As you obviously know, IT CAN'T BE DONE WITH IE!!! I really hope someone smart comes along and figures out why not...

3 Dec 04, 2005 02:49

Yeah, I guess I'm using the kubrick2evo, if you want to split hairs.

If there's no way, I may have to change templates. My site is a database, and I want people to be able to snag information from it for their personal use.

4 Dec 04, 2005 02:57

Well, there is something going on in your content area...
Side bar is no problem in IE6

Want to add some new info? Leave a comment or write to info(AT)

Is there any special mojo in your banner codes, especially at the bottom of the page?

6 Dec 04, 2005 03:29

Okay, I am using some javascript code for the banner at the very bottom. I'll try taking it out and seeing if it makes a difference. I don't get many hits from that exchange anyway.

The other banners and links (in the webring post) are straight a href and img src tags.

There's some javascript associated with the Extreme tracking tag, but that doesn't seem to affect things in my other (custom) blog.

7 Dec 04, 2005 03:36

It's a long shot, but you might want to look at your xhtml and css validation. xhtml fails with 72 errors, which ends up making the css validator not even try. I didn't look at the errors in depth, but upon reading where the sidebar is copyable I figured I should go back to basics.

PS: I think the css validator is just plain lazy. Dunno why it cares if the xhtml is cool or not, but it does. Stupid lazy validator! If it wasn't free I'd terminate my subscription ;)

8 Dec 04, 2005 19:40

Could you direct me to a tutorial or something on xhtml and css validation? I have no idea how to do that.

My method of adapting the blog template was mostly a matter of trial and error... stumbling around in the dark. I'm pretty good with HTML, but have never been trained in xhtml or css.

9 Dec 04, 2005 20:03

Not so sure about tips for getting you there, but I can point you to the validators if that'll help. The xhtml one will tell you what it finds troubles with and give you the option to revalidate and show the source. Most of the time it's simple stuff like getting tags closed out of order or not having a space-slash at the end of an image tag.

[url=]maddogmovies in the xhtml validator[/url]
One thing I see a couple of in there are where you have a link with parameters you should use "& a m p ;" (no spaces of course) instead of just "&". That'll throw up an error for each parameter beyond the first one.

[url=]maddogmovies in the css validator[/url]
The css one won't show anything until it's happy with the xhtml, but I think if this problem is going to be fixed by validation it'll come from the xhtml side of town.

10 Dec 04, 2005 20:21

Thanks for the link. It looks like most of my errors stem from using html tags, which PHP forgives, but aren't exactly correct. Putting a backslash into my break tags, for instance.

A lot of those "&" symbols are parts of links. Not sure if they require fixing. The links work, so what's the problem? Well, they might if they're screwing up the copy-paste function I guess.

I need to sit down this evening and actually make some changes.

11 Dec 06, 2005 07:16

I tried fixing bad code. Taking out suspect areas of javascript and form codes. I ran it through the validator a lot. It was never perfect, but I eleminated a lot of problems. No luck.

In desperation, I replaced the whole _main.php file with the original kubrick one I downloaded last February. I figured that would be like a reset button. It still didn't solve the problem, so I went back to my customized file.

One thing I did change several months ago was the feedback file. I wanted the width of the comment box to be wider. Could this have anything to do with it?

Form is loading...