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1 Dec 05, 2005 23:26    

I'm not sure if this qualifies as a bug, but I have had problems with the post_nav_links function and the "more" link to the arcdir.php file.

I think that the key might be that the my post_nav_links() are in the sidebar (?) and it doesn't matter if I use post_nav_links() or previous/next_post_links(), the behavior is the same.

The _main.php code

<div id="navLink">

<?php // posts_nav_link('|','< newer posts','older posts >'); ?>

   <div id="newer"><?php previous_posts_link('<newer posts'); ?></div>
   <div id="bar">|</div>
   <div id="older"><?php next_posts_link('older posts>'); ?></div>

<div id="archives">
	<?php // Archives Plugin w/non-default params: -------------------------------
		// Call the Archives plugin:
		$Plugins->call_by_code( 'evo_Arch', array(	// Add parameters below:
		'block_start' => '',
		'block_end'   => '',
		'title'       => '',
		'limit'       => '6',
		'more_link'   => 'Full Archive Listing',
     ) ); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------	

When I click on the more_link ... I get the following message -->

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in evocore/_item.funcs.php on line 435

I suspect it is because nav_links don't make much sense in a arcdir display, but I was wondering if (1) my premise was correct and (2) if the function could be modified so that it might degrade more "gracefully"?

BTW - My work-a-round was to supress the sidebar nav_links by wrapping them with

<?php if ($disp !== 'arcdir') { ?> *** nav links *** <?php } ?>


Hope this helps.


2 Dec 06, 2005 10:32

have you got the plugins installed?

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