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1 Dec 05, 2005 19:59    


I've got a warning message when I tried to upload a pic: b2 tells me "
You don't have access to any root directory.
Root_type= not supported"

I don't know exactly what to do. I guess it's somehow related to CHMOD, but I still have CHMOD 775 on my "media" directory...what else should I do?

Thanks in advance,


2 Dec 05, 2005 20:16

Can you please set "$debug = 1;" in /conf/_advanced.php and post the (hopefully displayed backtrace)?

Additionally, please take a look at the (verbose) "Debug info" at the bottom of the page if you find something that might help track it down.

Thank you.

3 Dec 05, 2005 20:22

EDIT: wrong Debuglog removed

4 Dec 05, 2005 21:27

Thanks, but the more important part is the backtrace after "Root type= not supported". Is there one?

5 Dec 05, 2005 21:49

Ok, now the file you requested ;)


1. debug_die( "Root_type= not supported" )
File: /web/htdocs/
2. fileroot::gen_id( NULL, 0 )
File: /web/htdocs/
3. filerootcache->get_by_type_and_id( NULL, 0 )
File: /web/htdocs/
4. file->file( NULL, 0, "blow_out.txt", true )
File: /web/htdocs/
5. filecache->get_by_root_and_path( NULL, 0, "blow_out.txt", true )
File: /web/htdocs/

6 Dec 05, 2005 22:20


Unfortunately the Debuglog output is not from when the error appeared, is it?

Please paste that again and describe exactly what you're doing. It would also be helpful, to explain what perms your user has on the blog you are uploading to. Are you uploading from the "Write" tab? Or from the "Files" tab?

I'll remove the Debuglog above.

7 Dec 05, 2005 23:14

You've not said anything about "You don't have access to any root directory." :)

This is the error causing it.

But the problem with the FM is, that it still displays the upload form. The resulting "Root type= not supported" error comes then, because of you don't have access to any root directory..

I'll fix it.

To give the Admin Group perms on any blogs you can execute the following queries (which will also be done when upgrading to the next public release, but do no harm, if you do them twice). Of course, you can also use the Backoffice to grant permission on the file features to you and your users.

UPDATE evo_groups
SET grp_perm_files = "edit"
WHERE grp_ID = 1;

UPDATE evo_coll_group_perms
SET bloggroup_perm_media_upload = 1,
    bloggroup_perm_media_browse = 1,
    bloggroup_perm_media_change = 1
WHERE bloggroup_group_ID = 1;

Of course, be sure to use your table prefix "evo_" in this case, if you have changed it.

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