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1 Dec 07, 2005 07:12    

I get this error when trying to post a comment on a newly upgraded from Dawn to Phoenix.

I chmod to 777 on htsrv and comment_post.hp, and still get the error.

I have checked my user permissions in the backoffice and I have every permission checked.

error: You don't have permission to access /htsrv/comment_post.php on this server.

2 Dec 07, 2005 07:23


I get the same message, trying to access your file, via the blog. Interestingly enough, I can traverse the directory and have access to every other file there (didn't test them all).

Do you do any "comment_post.php" blocking in an .htaccess file?

Your server seems pretty adamant about throwing a 403 Forbidden at it.

Hope this helps.


4 Dec 07, 2005 07:38


You da man. I checked, and my old .htaccess was there. I removed it, and that did it.

It must have been the register globals off or the rewrite configs I had in there for some anti-spam stuff.

Anyway, good call.


5 Dec 07, 2005 07:38

Only for the moment ... hero today ... zero tomorrow :lol:

Glad you got it sorted!

-stk :D

PS - I've moved this post, as it turns out that it's not a bug with Phoenix.

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