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1 Dec 09, 2005 16:16    

I am working on a new locale. So far my file is 32kb, and b2 reports that 6% is done (red background).

I uploaded the file to the server into the appropriate folder, and updates _locales.php to reflect additions. And also changed the locales on my profile and one of the blogs to the new locale.

My problems are as follow:
1. Not the admin, nor the blog (which were previously set for the new locale) actually show anything off the new locale.
2. Under Admin-->Settings-->Regional I can see the locale. Upon clicking the '[extract]' link, I get php error messages 'cannot open / write to _global.php'. Where do I get a generic version of that file to place in the locale's folder?
3. My language is Right-to-Left based. Is there an option to set that up through the system or do I need to hardcode it into my skins/templates?

Thanks in advance,

2 Dec 09, 2005 19:50

1. See 2., you need _global.php (if you use the default translation method, which is recommended)
2. There's no _global.php template. You just have to make sure that your webserver is able to write this file..
3. No, there's no such option AFAIK.

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