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1 Dec 09, 2005 19:15    

Is there some reason why you can't use any html tag in a post? For example, I wanted to align an image I was posting, but it said 'align' was not a valid tag. So i turned the html checker off and that didn't allow me to align it either. I was thinking, it would be useful if more tags were allowed.

2 Dec 09, 2005 20:33

align isnt a valid tag.

there is no


you can use align within other tags in early DTDs, ie

<text align="left">

Sounds like you need a refresher course:


Also, in the future, please pay more attn to where you post, this isnt a request a plugin or hack post :) (moved)

3 Dec 09, 2005 23:06

I was referring to the optional attribute "align" when you're inserting an image, as in <img src="url" align="middle">. I suppose I didn't mean it was a tag. I was just mentioning that b2 won't let you do that (if memory serves me correctly), and it would be nice if it would.

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