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1 Dec 10, 2005 22:37    

is any way to keep the user selected skin through the different blogs in a multiblog b2evolution setup?

i mean, what we want is that if a user select a skin in one of the blogs, and then moves to another blog skin doesn't change...

thanks in advance

2 Dec 11, 2005 01:11

As the skin gets set by a cookie it is probably $cookie_path that would have to be adjusted to match all blogs. Are the blogs on the same domain?

3 Dec 11, 2005 02:51

blueyed wrote:

Are the blogs on the same domain?

yep, they are blogs in the same b2evolution in fact

4 Dec 11, 2005 13:28

forget about this... what i want is the default way b2evolution works... sorry for the silly question and thanks for your time

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