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1 Dec 17, 2005 10:44    

Hi all b2people,

since I want the date to be displayed only once a day, I added this piece of code


right after

<?php // ------ START OF POSTS 
if( isset($MainList) ) $MainList->display_if_empty(); // Display message if no post
if( isset($MainList) ) while( $Item = $MainList->get_item() )

Now, it displays the date, in an horrible black. I wanto to modify its appearance, but I didn't manage to find the related attribute into css.

I also tried to modify h2 attribute in css, but it seemed to sort no effect; so, I argued it's not related to date :)

Any hint?

Thank you,


2 Dec 17, 2005 15:44

Add this to the bottom of style.css:

#mainbar h2 {
color: red;

3 Dec 17, 2005 16:46

Thank you, personman. It solved my problem :D

4 Nov 28, 2006 13:45

How would you do this if you wanted to used a dashed line instead of a solid horizontal rule?

personman wrote:

Add this to the bottom of style.css:

#mainbar h2 {
color: red;

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