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1 Dec 17, 2005 15:55    

Alrite i've read the article here:

But i do not really 'want' to use the same Class Names as the ones described in that article.
I spose i could but it would be alot of work that i couldnt really be bothered doing.

So if i don't use correct class names what are the disadvantages of that?
Like will the skin still be put on the skins page if i submit it.
Will all you 'big' people dislike me ;)

Yer just a general question....

2 Dec 17, 2005 17:00

Most of my skins don't use the standard class names for stuff. Do it however you want to. You'll still get your skin added to the repository.

Recently I've started using the standard classes more. One reason I do that is that it makes plugins easier to install. The default block_start code for most plugins will be <div class="bSideItem">. When a user installs a plugin into a skin that doesn't use the standard stuff they just need to redefine the block start code. I think you're familiar with what I mean, but if not I can post an example.

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