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1 Dec 18, 2005 05:38    

I'd like to be able to mass-create users directly through mysql (into the evo_users table) but the user_pass field is encoded using md5. Is there a way to directly create users with a simple password that will work with the md5 requirements using mysql?

Or is there a better way to create lots of new users quickly?


2 Dec 18, 2005 22:14

You could use the MySQL MD5() function.

But I'd rather use the evocore framework for doing it.

Take a look at populate_main_tables() in /install/_functions_create.php.

In general you'd do

$User = & new User();
$User->set( 'login', 'xxx' );
$User->set( 'pass', md5('xxx') );

3 Dec 19, 2005 00:22

Great, I'll take a look at it and see if I can figure out what to do. :D

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