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1 Dec 20, 2005 17:56    

I have ried to figure out why some things in the backoffice and some don't translation OK. Why for example :

<$blog_tagline> comes in HEX


$blog_longdesc comes in Arabic OK.

Here is the out put:

<$blog_tagline> comes in HEX (Note: cannot put hex, it will translate OK in this forum form)
This is diplayed under the blog name on the blog template.
Long Description: // the ????? ?????? ?? ?????... are displayed correctly in Arabic.
<pre><b><big> ????? ?????? ?? ?????... ???? ????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ?? ??????.. ??? ???? ?? ??? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????.. ??? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ??????..... ???? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ?????.. ??? ?? ???? ??? ?????? </big></b></pre> ?? ?????? ?????? ?. ?
This is displayed on the blog template.
Short Description:
This is is used in meta tag description and RSS feeds. NO HTML!

Here is the PHP code in _blog_general.form.php that output this in the backoffice.

			form_text( 'blog_tagline', $blog_tagline, 50, T_('Tagline'), T_('This is diplayed under the blog name on the blog template.'), 250 );

			form_textarea( 'blog_longdesc', $blog_longdesc, 8, T_('Long Description'), T_('This is displayed on the blog template.'), 50, 'large' );

			form_text( 'blog_description', $blog_description, 60, T_('Short Description'), T_('This is is used in meta tag description and RSS feeds. NO HTML!'), 250, 'large' );

			form_text( 'blog_keywords', $blog_keywords, 60, T_('Keywords'), T_('This is is used in meta tag keywords. NO HTML!'), 250, 'large' );

			form_textarea( 'blog_notes', $blog_notes, 8, T_('Notes'), T_('Additional info.'), 50, 'large' );


Thank you all.

3 Dec 20, 2005 19:41

i just read your post more carefully, it might be different from the problem in the thread that i referred you to. sorry if that's the case. the thread might still be beneficial though. it addresses the &#numbers; problem.

4 Dec 20, 2005 22:38

msafi, can you please try if it's the same on the demo? (

The difference between form_text and form_textarea is that form_text() uses format_to_output( .., 'formvalue' ), while form_textarea() does not format to output.

Anyway, something there seems to mess things up.
In Phoenix it's just:

$content = htmlspecialchars( $content );           // Handles &, ", < and >
$content = str_replace("'", ''', $content );  // Handles '

Try to find that in _misc.funcs.php / functions.php and try to disable whatever may be there with you one at a time and reload the page.

I'd like to here what causes it.

5 Dec 21, 2005 02:35

yes, it's the same on the demo. while it let me type and post in Arabic, when i go back to edit the post, this is what i get:

i will try the tricks mentioned in this thread and the other one sometime soon.


6 Dec 22, 2005 05:08

My be my post above is not clear. In editing a blog you have two input boxes.

1-) Tagline: "$blog_tagline"

2- ) Long Description: "$blog_longdesc"

Both are stored in HEX in the MySql DB.

When you try edit the blog, one comes in Hex the other in Arabic..

Both use

echo $variable, but one is a text input the other is a text area.

while the opposite happen in the post edit tab.

But, here one uses

echo $variable

the other uses


This is why it is a mystery to me :!:

7 Dec 22, 2005 05:40

The other the thing I noticed is that if I try to edit a comment I get this chars:

هــــــــذه مــــــــلاحـــــــــظـــــØ

Not HEX like when editing post.

But if I write something in the comment editor in arabic, I het HEX.

It is very confusing

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