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1 Dec 27, 2005 22:43    

I have scoured the archives HERE as well as at the YahooGroup, have done all the suggestions, and STILL cannot get it to work.
I'm normally pretty darned good at PHP, (I run some php-based fanlistings, etc), but b2links has me tearing my hair out!
I'm ready to offer CASH MONEY to someone 'smarter - n - me' to just go in and DO if FOR me!
Help me, I'm just sick about this, have been 'at-it' for nine hours!

2 Dec 27, 2005 22:52

b2links is a plugin for b2. This is the forum for b2evolution. b2evo is based on b2, but I wouldn't expect plugins and hacks for one to work for another. b2evolution comes with a feature called Linkblogs. They do most of what b2links did.

3 Dec 27, 2005 22:59

What do you mean by "b2links"?

What yahoogroup?

4 Dec 27, 2005 23:26

Personman and EdB
Thanks for replying.
I just don't LIKE the LINKBLOG thing, I want a list of links, just like WP or MT....
Guess I'll have to do what I want manually....
EdB, there's a b2evo yahoogroup...


5 Dec 27, 2005 23:36

A linkblog IS a list of links! Put the title and link-to-url and no text in the body and you've got a list of links. Why bother tweaking the code when all you have to do is blog a link?

EDIT: just checked yahoogroups to see what I could find. One group that hasn't had a post in over a year and a half. DEAD END!!! If you want to know stuff about b2evolution this is the place to be.

6 Dec 27, 2005 23:40

Mine doesn't WORK that way.... I just tried it.

7 Dec 27, 2005 23:46

Looks like you don't have a linkblog selected for your default blog. In your back office select the blogs tab, then select your default blog, then use the dropdown box to tell it which blog is the linkblog. After that you post links in the linkblog and they'll show up on your default blog.

You can have a different linkblog for each blog, and you can opt to have no linkblog. Understand that if you're using blog #1 as the default blog then each linkblog entry will also show up as a post in your main blog because that's how blog #1 works. It's an aggregator blog: all posts from all blogs show up there.

You do have to make the linkblog first, just in case you're using blog #1 and deleted #2 and #3 and #4.

8 Dec 28, 2005 00:01

I think I must just be tired.....
AND a little cranky at this point, grin!
If I post a link to my linkblog, which I named places, it shows up AS a post ON my main blog, and that isn't what I want.
who thinks she's going to make supper now and figure this out later.....

Noreen, who DOES thank you for your patience with a PMS-ing 'mentalpausing' woman!

9 Dec 28, 2005 00:07

I'm gonna have a wild guess and say that you use blog 1 (formerly known as blog all before you renamed it) for your main blog?

Blog 1 is designed to display posts from all blogs.

There are ways to cure this, but to be honest, it's a tad late here and someone far more compis mentis (who can also spell) will no doubt be along shortly ;)


10 Dec 28, 2005 00:21

Yah, methinks I did!
Blog 1, is shortnamed skein, and is all.html....
TIRED, very TIRED...
and tomorrow is another day!

11 Dec 28, 2005 00:30

ok, I'll do my best in my non-compis mentis way, if I confuse you just search the forums for blog all.

What you need to do is create a new blog, then in conf/_config.php, or advanced.php or admin.php or something, you'll see a setting that says $allow_cross_chapter_posting (or something similar), set it to true, and upload whichever file it is.

Then, hit your blog > admin > categories, and you should (fingers crossed) be able to select your categories from your original blog and move them to your new blog, the categories take the posts with them.


12 Dec 28, 2005 14:21

A new day, I'm computered (com-PETERED) out... and will attempt your suggestions later.

on her second pot of java this AM....

13 Dec 28, 2005 15:10

It's either admin or advanced file in the conf folder, and I think you might also have to change the "allow_cross_posting" variable to 3. It gives a little legend about what each one means, but then like yabba says you go to your categories and edit a cat to get the option to put the cat in a new blog. Slick way to move bunches of posts from one blog to another.

BTW I've found bourbon helps code make sense a lot more than coffee. Coffee just makes all the 1s and 0s blend into a bunch of point fives. With bourbon they're all 1s and 0s, but they're very funny 1s and 0s :lol:

14 Dec 28, 2005 15:46

As Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffet sing...
"It's five-o'clock somewhere", eh?
(deciding if Jim Beam or Jack Daniels is more appropriate)

15 Dec 28, 2005 15:55

knitche wrote:

(deciding if Jim Beam or Jack Daniels is more appropriate)

Jim Beam. Always stick with monosyllables. That way no matter how drunk you get you stand a good chance of telling someone what you need more of!

16 Mar 24, 2006 10:39

So, what was the final scoop on this? I have the same problem as the OP (- stated circumstantial problem(s), I'm just slug-brained instead!). Worse, when I started with B2evo, I zealously deleted all but blog #1. So I tried creating a new blog, and it came up as #5, then the main aggregated the link from blog #5 when that isn't what I wanted, and I only got blog one to list a category (links) but not display the links individually in it's own section. Is there a way to change numbering for new blogs so B2evo understands this is the link blog #4, #3, or whatever number it's coded to recognize? Or is that not the right way to go about it?

My workaround idea is to use the "long description" section in the description settings. So far, here, I've succeeded in posting an image/link to my home page, plus links to other sections of my site, even other HTML formatting tags like horiz. line, etc. My only concern here is, (a) is there a hard limit to how long you can make this section? Otherwise, I'm planning to use it to basically create my *own* mini-sidebar in HTML (at least it's a language I already know!*) with whatever I can cram in there and let the rest of the B2evo sidebar do what it wants to, and (b) will this mess up things like RSS agregators, etc.?

*PS As you might tell from exploring my site, I'm fluent in about half a dozen languages, but PHP isn't one of them. Call it geek fatigue, but I would like to be able to use one language that I know, say, twice or even three times before learning another whole language just for each specific task? But I'll promise to learn PHP, even master it, if somebody can give me a written, signed guarantee that it will be the last new language I have to learn to do anything at least until the end of this year? Or should I just do a Perl-for-Python number and go straight to AJAX? Or just skip AJAX and start working in whatever's going to replace AJAX?

17 Mar 24, 2006 11:28

Hmmm... I wonder where to start? Ah! Before you go too far down the b2evolution path you should seriously consider upgrading to version .9.1 because it's much better about handling spam stuff. Mostly that amounts to how quickly it shuts out spammers which effectively means your server wastes a lot less resources on them. Other stuff too, but that's not what your question is about so I'll move on.

b2evolution doesn't magically think of any given blog as the official linkblog. Each and every blog can have it's own linkblog, which means when you add a new blog you simply tell it which other blog, if any, you want to use as the linkblog.

You can't re-use a blog number. Something about something technical, but the bottom line is once you delete a blog the number no longer exists. Funny how numbers can disappear like that, but they do. In b2evolution blog numbering at least...

Your long description method is interesting, but it - like linkblogs - only works if your skin has that bit in it. Most of them do, but that's beside the point. Dig this: skins in b2evolution are a lot more than just css. Your skin sets up both content, via php and html, and your look via css. So what you do is set up another blog - let's call it 6 - and don't include it in your public blog list if you don't want and tell your blog 5 AND blog 1 that blog 6 is the linkblog. Now when you visit your blog in the bluesky skin and don't see your linkblog figure it's because bluesky doesn't have that bit in it. No worries - you can add it.
It's obviously in your custom skin, so you can snag the appropriate bit of code from it and drop it in bluesky if you want. Never mind the language stuff! You'll find by opening skins/custom/_main.php that the code is very well commented. In fact even the function names are rather self-explanatory. So you look through that file and see a bit that says something like "this is the start of the sidebar" so you know you're close. You'll see a bit that has a function with a name that includes "long_desc". Figure that's your long description. Keep looking and you'll see a bit of code that very clearly states it is the linkblog bit. Copy that bit and paste it into your bluesky skin where you want your linkblog to show up. Oh and check out div classes as they can easily change from skin to skin.

This doesn't address your linkblog posts from showing up in your blog 1, but I personally can't understand why that is such a big deal. It's true that most of your posts early on will be adding to your linkblog, but is that really such a big deal? You WANT your visitors to see who you link to, so will it kill them to see a 'post' linking to them? Plus down the road a bit most of your posts will, in theory, be regular post-like posts so the issue is short-lived at best. That's just my opinion eh? is my blog 1 blog. Clearly some of the posts listed on the main page are linkblog posts, but that's cool because I wanted those sites to get a bit of link-love. Lust really. Love is for girls.

Okay the language thing. Don't think of it as different languages. Better to consider it as all being CODE with different dialects... ;)

Hmmm... I seem to be unavailable at the moment. I wonder if my host is experiencing technical difficulties or if I am experiences the 44th major spam assault? Given past experience I'd say I am under attack again. It's pretty much their time of day. Bring 'em on!!! I will so antispam their asses!!!

18 Mar 24, 2006 13:02

Hmmmm...OK, thanks, I'll mull it over...but yeah, I really wouldn't want links to show up in the post archive. See, I think of links to other blogs as a "blogroll", something seperate from "blog content". As it is, my whole blog revolves around information (tutorials, howtos, distro reviews), and that column is going to be very messy already...I want to ensure visitors getting to it from Googling find the info they want asap without having to shovel too much out of their way.

Anyway, I've started playing with PHP and got from "hello world" to an online 4-function calculator in my first hour, so I guess it won't be *too* painful. Just wish I could delete batches of my memory that are taking up space; my brain *still* remembers BASIC. Anyway, if it's all PHP from the template, I'll be larnin' me own templating and I can get it tweaked to taste.

Thanks again, you're very informative1 (-:

19 Mar 25, 2006 12:27

For those of you who want to try sidebar links in a different way, I discovered (after spending a day driving PHP into my brain) that one can simply navigate to the "main.php" of one's chosen template, go to the bottom of it right between the link to the B2Evolution "powered by" button and the "baseline"-class paragraph, and then dump one's links there in a plain old HTML unordered-list/list-item format and they'll show up just fine at the bottom of your sidebar, just like any regular old HTML template you've worked with since the 90's! No fussing with a linkblog needed, if you choose to do it this way.

On the plus side, I have in PHP something better to use than Javascript for generating content. PHP is the first time (finally!) I've seen something I'd call a real programming language for the web. I haven't tackled Conway's "Life" cellular automata in it yet ("Life" is my acid test; if I've coded "Life" in a language, it is officially inaugurated into my permanent toolkit.), but I'm sure it's possible.

20 Mar 25, 2006 13:27

Oh plus there's a really easy way to get where you want to be.

No categories in blog 1. #5 is your blog and #6 is your linkblog. Cool. On settings tell it that blog 5 is your default blog and tell it to be on index.php. You could also make a stub for blog 5 and name the stub index.php - either way. On your blogs tab tell blog 5 that blog 6 is the linkblog, and probably tell blog 6 that it is not included in public blog lists.

Ta da! The "blog 1 thing" is effectively turned off.

Pasting in good old fashioned html works too!

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