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1 Dec 30, 2005 04:49    

Okay, this should be extremely simple to figure out - but I am not getting it. So any help will be greatly appreciated!

I have installed b2evolution and all is up and running with a few customizations already completed. Questions:

1) Is there a simple tutorial on what the toolbar icons (ins - del - str - etc.) do?
2) I use the UPLOAD A FILE/IMAGE button and successfully upload my image, as I can find it via FTP. When I click the IMG button on the toolbar I need to give the URL of the uploaded image. What is the common path?

Many Thanks,
Troy @ TLC Creative

2 Dec 30, 2005 04:56

Most of the toolbar buttons deal with decorating text. em, str, ins, del all decorate text. Exactly how depends on the skin you're using. ol and ul and li make lists, either ordered or unordered. img and link insert either an image or a link into a post compliments of a couple of javascript popup dialog boxes. !M and !NT and !NP deal with how the visitor sees the actual posts (as opposed to specific bits of text in a post). Most all of these were "explained by example" in the default posts that you first saw upon installation.

Question 2 is really easy. Why not just click the "add this code to the post" button after uploading? Lots easier than using the img button after the fact.

3 Dec 30, 2005 06:05

Thanks for the quick reply EdB.

Using the "add this code to the post" button would be great - but I do not seem to have it. Here is what I [url/]see[/url].

I installed with Fantastico through my webhost and just noted that I running v0.9.0.12

Troy @ TLC

4 Dec 30, 2005 06:40

After you browse to a file on your computer and click upload you'll have the option to "insert this code in your post". If you've already got the image on your server then you'll have to go back to where you started: the path for the img button.


Probably gotta have an h t t p : / / in front of it, but since I don't ever use that button I can't say for sure. Anyway the whole thing is really your baseurl followed by /media/file_name.jpg or gif or png or whatever you've allowed in the conf/_admin.php file.

BTW if you're smart you won't make the mistake I made. Anything you upload you probably want to download to your local blog folder structure. I tweaked some images on my desktop then uploaded them, then deleted them from the desktop. As time went by I deleted my server installation in order to upgrade, and promptly lost some of my uploaded images. Bummer eh?

Hope it helps...

5 Dec 30, 2005 07:45

Many thanks!

I actually configured things into ruin. So after doing a fresh install (hey 3 times in 1 day means I just accelerated my learning curve - right...). So now when I upload an image and after I clicked the 'upload' button I am given a different set of options which includes the 'insert code' button!

Troy @ TLC

6 May 26, 2006 08:55

I dont have this button either. I am trying to figure out how to upload pix on my blog. How do I get this button???

7 May 26, 2006 09:07

Actually, I do have something I can click on in the File Manager, which creates a long string for a link. If I do that it then takes me back to my post, but it never does insert the tags. ??

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