Recent Topics

1 Jan 02, 2006 15:03    

1. I have the leaf template uploaded on the header bar it says link1 link2 et.... where do i edit those links

2. also on the links on the side bar how do i edit those?

3. are there more templates out there for b2? other sites?

4. Is there a way to change order of the items on the sidebar like the calendar put that lower position than the links?

Thanks for your help if you respond to this :)


2 Jan 02, 2006 15:12

Share a link to your site - it'll help us help you. Personally I don't know that skin off the top of my head so I can't tell you which file to edit in order to edit where it says what you say it says. It's probably in your skin's _main.php file though. As the name implies, it's pretty much the main file for your skin ;)

As to moving stuff around in your sidebar: that's kinda easy. Sort of... Basically that stuff is decided in your skin's _main.php file, so you'll have to edit that file to move things around in the sidebar. I just got off work so I'm deep in my cups already so I can't find the linkage for you, but check my signature file and you'll see three links. One of them is to the HowTo page. It's also available via the "Support" link at the top of this page then the End User Documentation section. Anyway in the how-to section there is a post that talks about removing parts of the sidebar. If you check that post out and think about your _main.php file you'll see how to move bits and pieces around.

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