2 nate Jan 07, 2006 03:31

Hi Nate. Thanks for the tip. I forgot I had the baseline2 in there - it was an attempt to get the link to look the way I wanted, failed, but did not remove. Anyway going in to clear it up made me have an aha moment. The rss 'buttons' have a class in the a tag, so I made up a class for "noeffects" and applied that class to the a tag for the "powered by" thing. Bingo! Also moved it over to the sidebar cuz I think it looks better over there.
A bit more tweaking and I'll have what I consider a workable 1.6 generation skin for a multiblogger environment. Now if only I could convince a couple of free flight pilots to sign up and start blogging :(
Yep, content is usually the more difficult proposition.
Hi EdB,
About the only suggestion I'd make is to "fix" the background so it doesn't scroll.
I'd have expected the background image to have a couple of successfully landing lemmings in it as well :|
ps. Does making paper airplanes count?
pps. the basline changes failed because you didn't have the dot before the classname, but I guessed you'd sort it after Nates post ;)
Cool. I'll fix the background. I kinda like fixed backgrounds so it's sort of surprising that I did one that way. Especially such a plain-jane background eh? Way back in the day I did an installation that used all sorts of flying pictures for backgrounds, but so far I'm still thinking on a skin I can submit to the skins site so I don't want to go too far down the pilot path. For now...
Assuming someone else bothers to post I want to remake the avatar plugin so's authors can get that personal touch. Also probably gonna use a 'big avatar' in the sidebar when viewing a single post, but that too is down the road a bit.
I flew today. Life is *good*!
I flew today. Life is *good*!
and the landing made it all worthwhile ;)
Hi EdB,
You can style the b2e link through your footer.css. At the bottom you have some .baseline2 rules. Change that to .baseline instead and it should work. The link itself is not part of .baseline2.
Keep up the good work!