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1 Jan 11, 2006 17:01    

How can I set b2e up so that comments show up below the posts without having to click the link for comments? Ideally i'd want just the existing comments and not the add a new comment text areas on the blog pages. Currently (default install) even just to read a comment you have to click the "X comments" link which shows comments and the large text box for adding one.



3 Jan 11, 2006 19:14

Thank you so much. I wasn't looking in the client side forum, but should have been. That did the trick mostly. Is it possible to have it behave the original way if there are no comments and the way described in that post for 1 or more comments? I've been poking around the php file but without success. Is there an isEmpty() or equivalent function I could use to check if there are 0 comments?

Basically the comments show by default as I want, but when there are no comments, it still shows the comments section with "No comments yet for this post..." filled in. I'd prefer it to just have the "0 comments" link as before if there haven't been any comments left.

thanks again,


4 Jan 11, 2006 19:17

Find the line that looks similar to this in your skins/<skin name>/_feedback.php, and comment it out ;)



5 Jan 11, 2006 19:24

That brought me a heck of a lot closer. It still shows the big blue prompt: "Comments:" under every post. but you suggestion did remove the box and default messages as I wanted. Is there a way to remove this heading when there are no comments for a post?

thanks for all your help.

-- adam

[edit] I've removed that line for every post by commenting out "<?php echo implode( ", ", $disp_title) ?>" above the display_if_empty line. I'm still curious if i can wrap that in a n if statment ( if # of comments=0, then do nothing, else display title). However, thanks to everyone's help i've got a working solution.

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