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1 Jan 22, 2006 22:20    

I am getting error when trying to add video to the page.
Is this the right tag to use?

<embed width=400 height=400 AUTOSTART="1" src=""></embed>


2 Jan 24, 2006 17:03

That won't get past the html checker built into b2evolution. You can disable it, make your post, then enable it again. Don't leave it off, though, it could let people post comments that hack into your site.

3 Sep 27, 2006 21:19

How i can do that? (Where is the option?)

4 Sep 27, 2006 21:54

I'd like to have this answer too ;)

5 Sep 27, 2006 22:02

Edit /conf/_formatting.php and find the line that says:
$use_html_checker = 1;

Change the 1 to a 0 and save.

Make sure to turn it back on when you're finished, it prevents several types of security attacks.

If you're going to be posting a lot of video, a renderer plugin might be useful for you. It's basically a plugin that takes some psuedocode and converts it into the actual embed or whatever only when the page is displayed. I made one that does youtube, google video and ifilm. If you want that or something like it I can help you.

6 Sep 27, 2006 22:04

personman wrote:

Edit /conf/_formatting.php and find the line that says:
$use_html_checker = 1;

Change the 1 to a 0 and save.

Make sure to turn it back on when you're finished, it prevents several types of security attacks.

If you're going to be posting a lot of video, a renderer plugin might be useful for you. It's basically a plugin that takes some psuedocode and converts it into the actual embed or whatever only when the page is displayed. I made one that does youtube, google video and ifilm. If you want that or something like it I can help you.

I got the plugin for youtube, but I need one for google.

8 Sep 28, 2006 10:35

Danny, I assume the plugin has been upgraded!
Is it best to delete the previous and replace it with this one?

9 Sep 28, 2006 14:27

I don't know if I would call it an upgrade. It's actually the same plugin, just with some customizations. If you want those features, then just copy the _youtube_plugin.php file over the old one.

12 Oct 01, 2006 17:30

You're right. Sorry about that. I just updated that zip file with the new version, so the same url should work now. Thanks for catching that.

13 Oct 01, 2006 18:38

Works beautifully, thanks a lot!

14 Oct 04, 2006 15:06

Yes, it works fine. THANX!!

Anyway if you'd installed the youtube plugin before this update you'd uninstall it then remove the plugin folder, upload the new folder and finally install it.

At least I needed to do it.

Thanks again.

15 Oct 08, 2006 20:21

I have a 0.92 installation. Is there a plugin capable of doing the same ? or perhaps a script capable of just allowing me to post the "embed" code without modifying the /conf/_formatting.php file ?

Thanks !

16 Oct 08, 2006 22:06

Is there a reason you can't upgrade to 1.8.2? It is stable.

17 Oct 08, 2006 23:28

for some reason, I tried to upgrade my installation to 1.8.2, but the installation script never worked. So I upgraded to 1.8.1 RC and now I am able to work with plugins again.

Thanks for the reply though.

18 Oct 26, 2006 03:28

This might sound like a really stupid question, but how in the hell do I install the plugin

20 Nov 30, 2006 23:20

One of my blogs is actually a vlog, so every post is an embedded video hosted by

Any chance somebody wants to tackle a plugin to deal with videos? Or can suggest an alternative?


Edited to add: Oops. It does support Kickass!

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