Dunno which version i actually use, there is no README or VERSION included (got only the uploaded directory on my ftp)
I tryed post a new blog-entry with following lines:
:0 c
* ^Subject:.*\/.*
:0 ih
* ^From: .*\/[^<]* #<-- error line
| echo "$SUBJECT from $MATCH" | $ONSCREEN
Error msg:
Parser error: not well-formed (invalid token) near * ^From: .*\/[^< ]*
i tryed it in <code> and <pre>.
did i miss anything or just a bug?
vewrsion string of _admin.php:
* Last significant changes to this file: version
Sticke post No new posts Global Announcement: 0.9.1 : Dawn
didnt exist (iam so warm atm)