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1 Jan 27, 2006 05:59    

The first time I installed b2evolution I thought it was rather confusing trying to get through the admin pages, and then when I went to the demo admin page on I understood why. NONE of the graphics or images or on my admin pages. I thought maybe they just didn't get put to the server so I deleted everything from my server, redownloaded the package from, and reinstalled.

Same thing. There were broken image links when I first went to the /install page, and there are NO graphics, no boxes, no nothing (except text) on my admin pages.


3 Jan 27, 2006 17:55

Guruman you are the guruman.
Thank you!!!
One question, though. In my quest to get the page to work, I changed the permissions on ALL the img directories in admin and ALL the image in there files to 777. Is that a potential problem waiting to happen?

4 Jan 27, 2006 18:01

The safest thing would be to set the images back to 644.

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