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1 Feb 07, 2006 08:03    

Hey can anyone tell me the point of including:
In your skin....

Because it doesnt have keywords or descriptions so its not for search engines...

I dunno...

3 Feb 07, 2006 16:12

So its just for trackbacks, if so then shoudlnt it only display for trackbacks? instead of a user browsing the page?

4 Feb 07, 2006 16:35

You didn't RTFA:

The Entry-Editing Form

If you don't want to use the bookmarklet, you can still use TrackBack in Movable Type--it just won't be as simple. To use this method, you will need to find the TrackBack Ping URL for the post that you are interested in sending the TrackBack ping to. We'll describe how to do that in the steps below. Note: the TrackBack Ping URL is not the permalink for an entry--it is a different URL.

When doing trackbacks between different blogging software, the user has to manually copy and paste the trackback ping url into their blog software when posting in order to send the ping. This is the way it's done when autodiscovery won't work. That's why the Write tab in the b2evolution backoffice has a field called Trackback urls. So you can paste this url in to send the ping.

5 Feb 07, 2006 16:45

so the point of $Item->trackback_rdf(); is just a automatic way of adding a trackback instead of letting the user copy the trackback url?

6 Feb 07, 2006 17:14

Right, it adds code that looks like this:

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" 
  dc:title="Newsvine invites"
  trackback:ping="" />

7 Feb 07, 2006 17:18

yer i knew that part, thats y i asked, (i don't like stuff being added to my page that i don't know about) ;)

Can u also give me a link to something that autodiscovers trackbacks?

So thanks for ur help :)

8 Feb 07, 2006 17:27

I don't know what all blogwares do trackbacks and how they do autodiscovery. I just assume that this is the standard code for making it work. I don't personally use trackbacks, so I don't know.

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