Function: This Hack provides a checkbox to enable/disable the Modification Date timestamp.
Version: Phoenix Alpha v1.6 2005-11-25
Credit: Special thanks to 'blueyed' for his guidance. Inspired from
Scenario: There are 2 different dates for each post - Creation Date & Modification Date. (By default, Modification Date is automatically updated to its current timestamp during each post update.) I sort my posts by Modification Date. There are posts which I make corrections (not updates) occasionally and wouldn't want to update its Modification Date to its lastest timestamp.
Things to do: Edit 3 files in total. Look for comments // ms6682 mod_date_change in each file and edit acordingly.
Find in /evocore/_dataobject.class.php (2 lines to edit)
function dbupdate()
global $DB, $localtimenow, $mod_date_change, $current_User; // ms6682 mod_date_change
if( $this->ID == 0 ) { debug_die( 'New object cannot be updated!' ); }
if( count( $this->dbchanges ) == 0 )
return; // No changes!
if( !empty($this->datemodified_field) && $mod_date_change ) // ms6682 mod_date_change
{ // We want to track modification date:
$this->set_param( $this->datemodified_field, 'date', date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$localtimenow) );
Find in /admin/_item.form.php (1 paragraph to insert)
// ############################ ADVANCED #############################
$Form->begin_fieldset( T_('Advanced properties') );
if( $current_User->check_perm( 'edit_timestamp' ) )
{ // ------------------------------------ TIME STAMP -------------------------------------
$Form->date( 'item_issue_date', $edited_Item->get('issue_date'), T_('Issue date') );
$Form->time( 'item_issue_time', $edited_Item->get('issue_date'), '' );
if( $next_action == 'create' )
{ // If not checked, create time will be used...
$Form->checkbox( 'edit_date', 0, '', T_('Edit') );
echo ' '; // allow wrapping!
// ms6682 mod_date_change start
<span class="line">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="mod_date_change" value="1" id="timestamp"
tabindex="13" <?php if( $mod_date_change ) echo 'checked="checked"' ?> />
<label for="timestamp"><strong><?php echo T_('Update modification timestamp to current time') ?></strong></label>
// ms6682 mod_date_change end
Find in /admin/b2edit.php (1 line to insert)
case 'edit':
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Display post editing form
param( 'post', 'integer', true, true );
$edited_Item = $ItemCache->get_by_ID( $post );
$post_locale = $edited_Item->get( 'locale' );
$cat = $edited_Item->get( 'main_cat_ID' );
$blog = get_catblog($cat);
$Blog = Blog_get_by_ID( $blog );
$AdminUI->title = T_('Editing post').': '.$edited_Item->dget( 'title', 'htmlhead' );
$AdminUI->title_titlearea = sprintf( T_('Editing post #%d in blog: %s'), $edited_Item->ID, $Blog->get('name') );
$post_status = $edited_Item->get( 'status' );
// Check permission:
$current_User->check_perm( 'blog_post_statuses', $post_status, true, $blog );
$mod_date_change = 0; // ms6682 mod_date_change
After doing the changes in these three files a get this error on the "write" panel from the admin site: "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in http://localhost/admin/_item.form.php on line 514" This is the last line of the file (?>). How can I fix it?