2 nate Feb 26, 2006 22:29

One more question: If I create my local blog, when my web server is ready after it has made all of its upgrades (in about 2 months, I am told), can I then upload everything seamlessly, archives and all?
I believe you can upload your database and your skins, etc. But I think you might have to reinstall b2e on your host's server and just point it to your uploaded database. It may be a bit more complicated than that, but I think it should work.
I didn't know that the host server needed b2evo. I thought all it needed was the requisite versions of PHP and mySQL.
OK, I installed XAMPP (1.5.1, standard config) successfully, then b2evo (1.6 alpha) successfully. What should I tell b2evo's setup process about my mySQL?
(I know that once the server side for the real thing is ready, my sysop will provide me with the relevant info then.)
Here is where I'm stuck:
In xampp you need to open up phpmyadmin and create a database which you can then point to on the b2e installation screen you gave a picture of.
You're getting very close now! ;)
Thanks for your help. This is one forum were I actually get help!
Glad to help!
Now, how do I open phpmyadmin?
When you start xampp and get to the main page (with lots of links on it), one of the links along the sidebar should be phpmyadmin.
Ok, well, I got that far, and tried to make b2evo work with it, but I'm not getting the hang of this. I just gave up and got rid of XAMPP. Sounds like I'll just have to wait until my ISP server is upgraded.
Thanks for all your help.
You would need php and mysql and webserver software to make it run locally. Personally, I recommend XAMPP (http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html). It's an all-in-one download which is fairly easy to setup and run. It runs on windows 98.