2 village_idiot Feb 28, 2006 08:40

ALL FILES have at least chmode 644...
I would double and triple check your permissions with this error. Also when you are rechecking the comment use a hard refresh (refresh + ctrl). Are you getting the same error when you try to post the comment yourself?
I thought this problem was related to the hack I installed about "must login to comment", there few users wasn't allowed to write a comment. Now I have removed this hack and 2 known visitors that previously wasn't able to write a comment can do it now, however I still have one know visitor unable to do it. She gets the following
(none) /spanienblog/htsrvantispam/comment_post.php mariarte.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) 403
She have try to do it using diferent computers and all files are at least 644.
The "htsrvantispam" directory was before named "htsr", but I don't remember if it was a hack or plugin that changed this... perhaps I should try to removit in case this is causing the problem..??
I also see that in the comments form the
Remember me (Set cookies for name, email & url)
is missing despite I have removed the hack - sure I must have forgotten something, but I don't know what.
It that the problem is the "antispam"... I found in the list 3 large swedish broadband providers, chello.se and spray.se. I've removed this domains from my list, but waht happens next time I download an update?
You will NOT get those sites back again. Your database has a record of the date/time of the last update you got which is used to figure out when to start the next update cycle. In other words once you unban a site you will not get that back in your list.
If you ever empty your antispam table and reset the date/time value in your settings table and get the updates you'll see those sites again, but that's not something a lot of people do.
chello.se only has one report from a very long time ago, and technically that is not the keyword banned. home.sve.chello.se is blocked. In fact chello.se doesn't match any other reports across the hundred thousand in the database. spray.se is different. It is blocked as .spray.se and only matches a handful of other keywords in the database. I'll bring this up among the antispam admins, but my gut tells me we probably didn't want to ban a Swedish ISP.
Thank Edb for your reply.
I thought it solved all login problems but I still have one user unable to write a comment, no matter if uses the homepc or lan at work still gets the same error message:
(none) /spanienblog/htsrvantispam/comment_post.php mariarte.net Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) 403
Any help will be appreciated.
thats a 403 error, what more do you need?
403 errors are usually caused by permissions. Make sure your files are chmod 644.
Ill be moving this thread.