I receieved the following error after editing some of my text:
MySQL error!
Got error 28 from table handler(Errno=1030)
Your query:
SELECT DISTINCT ID, post_author, post_issue_date, post_mod_date, post_status, post_locale, post_content, post_title, post_urltitle, post_url, post_category, post_autobr, post_flags, post_wordcount, post_comments, post_renderers, post_karma FROM (evo_posts INNER JOIN evo_postcats ON ID = postcat_post_ID) INNER JOIN evo_categories ON postcat_cat_ID = cat_ID WHERE 1 AND ( ( post_status = 'private' AND post_author = 1 ) OR post_status IN ('published','protected') ) AND post_issue_date <= '2006-03-01 13:34:50' ORDER BY post_issue_date DESC LIMIT 5
What did I do wrong?
[text removed]
Please use the search function. This error has been discussed before.
Try a search for "Errno=1030" without the quotes.
7th and eighth posts from the top would give your answer.