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1 Mar 07, 2006 17:48    

How can I prevent spambots from leaving comments on my blog? I currently have my comments set to Closed (which prevents any comments from being left at all).

(A friend of mine got hit by a spambot, so I just closed my own blogs, just to prevent it from happening to me.)

Any ideas?


3 Mar 07, 2006 18:07

Interesting that it hasn't come up before.

Is there a way to "force" (for lack of a milder word) readers to sign in before leaving comments?

- Michael

4 Mar 07, 2006 18:11

Sorry, I thought my sarcasm was obvious. ;)

Spam is a very common subject around here. If you had searched before you posted you would have found many, many results. I even linked to the section of the forum that is entirely dedicated to fighting spam. Read some threads there, especially the one called "Whoo's antispam techniques . . ."

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