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1 Mar 13, 2006 15:35    

Please there must be a better way, someone help a noob out here...
I have been deluged with spam, for now I have in a redirect that shoves them to a nasty message, but it irritates my users to have to wait while I try and clean up the site.

I am wondering (oh please, oh please) if there is a way to MASS delete items in the spam list? I would like to take every item with 400+ hits to my site and not only clean them from my db but add them to the blacklist. Right now I do each and every one manually but this time there are SO many it will take me hours this way.

Is there a way I can disable the collection of stats too? In that way I can clean up my site and not pollute the database and still let my users see their stuff.

Thanks in advance for any help at all.

2 Mar 13, 2006 17:11 is the sticky at the top of this forum. Do you keep your antispam list up to date? Do you report spammers? (scratch that one - I see that you do assuming I've properly guessed your URL.) Okay, so that's a beginning.

Now for the stuff already in your database. As far as I know there is no way, other than to configure the mysql query, to automagically delete AND report offensive domains. Possibly the easiest way to get where you want to be is to first report the top 5 nasties in your stats table (from the referers tab) then to delete the 5 oldest days worth of hits (from your summary tab).

There once was a hack that would allow you to recheck everything in your hitlog against all the entries in your antispam table, but since I'm offline I'm afraid that hack is offline. Eventually both me and it will return, but for now I don't think it's documented anywhere. Oh and it was a hack for .9.1, which is what it appears you're using.

Short term best bet: keep your antispam table up to date, and each day do a delete/ban/report on a handful of bad guys AND wipe out a handful of days worth of hits. Over time you'll pull ahead of the game.

3 Mar 13, 2006 19:29

Indeed I do much, if not all, of what you recommend. I do daily cleanings and always report all the spam (comment/otherwise) that clogs my site. I believe that minimizing the time comments are available for posting will help with that particular aspect, but in terms of just hit-spamming there seems to be little if anything I can do if they insist on jumping IP's on every hit.

I have an idea for an "improvement" however, it would be delightful to have a set of check boxes to the side of each entry in the stat's list. that way I could just go down the list and check off each and every one I'd want to delete/report. Is there a reason why this might not be a feasible improvement?

4 Mar 13, 2006 20:30

I think someone suggested that in the "feature request" forum already - the checkbox thing.

Anyway there is one more thing you can do that might simplify things a bit: human vectoring. Like lets say you get hit by and and Go to your antispam tab and type in and submit that instead of clicking through each of it's subdomains.

5 Jul 04, 2006 00:04

Right now I'm riding out the spamming storm to see what can be done. I have 2 blogs using b2evolution and I think it's a great script. I don't have much use for comments in my applications either.

The past few days I was getting hit with hundreds of spams. I just go into the Antispam tab and type in "http:" in the "Check and ban" window and go. Scroll down to see a nice list of all comments on your site where a link was entered (spammers). There's a check box at the top of that list to delete all those posts. Unfortunately, there's no way to delete only specific posts doing this. Note - the list of referrers is at the top of the page you'll see after hitting "Check and ban" button and you may not want to delete those.

I hope the developers are working on something, because this is getting way out of hand. It's a great script, I'd like to be able to continue using it.

Comments might be fine if they didn't permit entry of a "url". What about that?

7 Jul 04, 2006 00:28

yeah, I read that, but in use it just pops up a window that says "no comments yet...". I thought this might be confusing to users.

I was really wondering whether the script can be hacked so that comments could be left but without a url / link? If spammers can't post their url they won't be spamming the script.

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