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1 Mar 15, 2006 20:57    

My dear 'friends':
How i can disable de "Blog all"?, because i cant delete it, i need disable, because i dont need that in my blog site...

somebody tell me how i can doit...


como puedo deshabilitar el blogg all, no necesito eso en mi site web.

2 Mar 15, 2006 21:12

You can't.

You can make a different blog your default blog and you can exclude blog 1 from your navigation but you can't disable it.

3 Mar 16, 2006 08:51

You 'can' disable it.
Just make sure that the admin has no longer 'write' access to blog all
-> In the backoffice goto the 'blogs' tab and there to 'permissions'
Disable alle 'crosses' for everybody, so nobody will have any rights on blog all. Save.
-> In the 'blogs'-tab go to 'general' and uncheck the box to include blog all in the bloglist. Save

In that same tab 'blogs' make blog A the 'default' blog.

4 Apr 03, 2006 11:51

I think there is still one extra step you need to do (in addition to the suggestions by EdB & Topanga) if you want to fully disable the aggregate "Blog All" because it still exists as blog # 1 and is thereby still accessible.

Even if you exclude Blog All from the "public blog list" (as suggested by EdB) and you remove all permissions for Blog All so that no one is able to post or edit Blog All (as suggested by Topanga), it is still accessible to visitors, webcrawling indexing services or clever URL hackers if they just add "index.php?blog=1" to the root URL, even if you are using stubs.

You CAN, however, redirect all attempts to view blog # 1, thereby "disabling" the blog to visitors.

There are probably many more sophisticated ways to do this, but as someone who has only a marginally understand of b2evo and php, I came up with this quick and simple solution:

First, as Topanga already suggested, set a different blog other than Blog All as the DEFAULT. In the General tab for some other blog (ie. "Blog A"), set the "Preferred access type" to "Default blog on index.php"

Then, make sure Blog All is NOT the default, by setting the "Preferred access type" for Blog All to "Other blog through index.php"

Lastly, for each skin, at the very top of skins/skinname/_main.php add the following:

if ( $blog == 1 ) {
	header("Location: index.php");

This will redirect all attempts to access Blog # 1 (aka Blog All) to the default blog, which hopefully is already set to a different blog other than Blog All because if you leave Blog All as the Default blog, you will create an endless redirect that might crash some browsers.

So my advice is to first do as EdB and Topanga suggest, then if you really really want to disable Blog All from being viewed by anyone, add my code to the top of your _main.php for each skin.

All that said, there really is no harm in leaving Blog All accessible to the world, so unless you are comfortable making changes to your skin's php files, I would NOT recommend making my additions, which I offer to you merely for informational purposes.

As it warns on the "Custom skin template editing" page in the admin:

Be careful what you do, editing this file could break your template! Do not edit what's between <?php and ?> if you don't know what you're doing!

5 Apr 04, 2006 14:21

I don't mind that Blog All shows ALL blogs - but - I would like it NOT to display blogs (entries) in "Linkblog", as I use this blog as a "link database" for friends, visitors etc, to find interesting links.

So whenever I add a link to Linkblog, it would be shown on first page (BlogAll), there's no need for this.

I have ASP knowledge, so I can do some changes in PHP if needed. Can anyone guide me in some direction please?

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