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1 Mar 20, 2006 23:10    

Is there a way to split in pages the bloglist? I would like to put the list of all available blogs inside the sidebar of main page. Anyone can help me?
thenk you

2 Mar 21, 2006 04:43

I'm a tad confused about what you want to do. You want TWO bloglists, or just MOVE the existing one into the sidebar?

Either are doable. Edit your skin(s) _main.php file. Find the part of the code that does the bloglisting and move/copy it to the part of the file that contains the sidebar content.

We don't use a bloglist, but looking at the Phoenix version of the Custom skin, the bloglist is simply a PHP require statement for the bloglist.php file (also stored in the custom skin folder).

	// --------------------------- BLOG LIST INCLUDED HERE -----------------------------
	require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_bloglist.php' );
	// ------------------------------- END OF BLOG LIST --------------------------------

Style the bloglist to your liking in the custom CSS file and/or edit bloglist.php to your liking, as well.

Hope this helps.


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