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1 Mar 23, 2006 14:54    

I'm not sure if this is the place to ask, but I have used mambo's skychat, before and liked how small and neat it is, I get a few people stop by my site and would like to be able to put it into my B2evo home page, haven't a clue as to where you are saying to put this coding above, if you can take the time to spell it out, for me I would be very appreciative.
I'm using the custom paris template, do I modify the template/?.php script?

this is what comes with the sky chat:~

[u]mod_skychat-XML Document[/u]

<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
  <mosinstall type="module">
    <copyright>This module is released under the GNU/GPL License</copyright> 
    <description>SkY|chat is a chat module form Mambo 4.5</description> 
	<filename module="mod_skychat">mod_skychat.php</filename> 


# SkY|chat   - A Mambo chat Module                  #
# Author     : Yann Sallou                          #
# Copyright (C) 2004  by  Yann Sallou aka SkYDuST   #
# Homepage   :                      #
# Version    : 1.2                                  #
# License    : Released under GPL terms             #


 Copyright (C) 2004 Yann Sallou aka SkYDuST
 All rights reserved.

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 Please note that the GPL states that any headers in files and
 Copyright notices as well as credits in headers, source files
 and output (screens, prints, etc.) can not be removed.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.

 The "GNU General Public License" (GPL) is available at

defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );

$query = "SELECT DISTINCT a.username"
."\n FROM #__session AS a"
."\n WHERE (a.guest=0)";
$user = $database->loadObjectList();
 include "modules/mod_skychat/skychat.conf.php";

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="<?=$config['size_w'];?>" height="<?=$config['size_h'];?>" id="mod_skychat" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="movie" value="modules/mod_skychat/mod_skychat.swf?pseudo=<?=$my->username;?>" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<embed src="modules/mod_skychat/mod_skychat.swf?pseudo=<?=$my->username;?>" quality="high" width="<?=$config['size_w'];?>" height="<?=$config['size_h'];?>" name="mod_skychat" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />

then theres this folder full of scripts

1 index.html blank file
1.mod_skychat movie flash
1.change log

Is it and can it be modified for b2evo phoenix, or should I just give it a miss? Has anyone else done this and have an example of a chat box? I searched but musn't be using right terms because I couldn't find anything.
All help very thank-you so much, my site is currently being rebuilt after nasty server hit with a hijack nobody coder, so excuse the mess if you stop by to check it out. ;)

2 Mar 23, 2006 15:05


1) I moved your post into it's own topic, as you're talking about adding something to the SKIN, rather than to a POST (so it is a tad different).

2) I've been to your site, after reading of your recent hijack. Sorry to hear about that and I hope you're able to recover without too much difficulty.

3) Regarding mambo skychat, it's not a utility or program with which I am familiar. What does it do?

It does appear that it uses a separate database, which would have to be attached. It also embeds a SWF, which is a lot easier to do in your _main.php template file (on your PAGE ... as opposed to in a POST), but some of the validation issues still remain ... if you are at all concerned about validation (i.e., the code you posted uses the <embed> tag, which is deprecated in XHTML).

If you could provide a link to a mambo sky chat feature or usage page, I might be able to better figure out how easy (or difficult) it would be to integrate into b2evolution. ( The homepage link in the code above, is a dead link :| )

Anything that you can get working in a Pre-Phoenix b2evo version should also work in a Phoenix version, so I wouldn't imagine any problems there.

Hope this helps.

3 Mar 23, 2006 16:18
this was the site I was in the process of setting up, with mambo,but just can't get the hang of the parameters , so have abandoned it for now, and reinstalled B2evo as main page, coz it's easier, I lost 115 of my stories, I read how you lost some of yours to and I feel comforted in the knowledge I'm not alone, this happens to others as well. I'm having difficulty with the image tags coming up with

Supplied URL is invalid. (URL not allowed) 

all the time even though it worked fine in the earlier version 1.0.6, same code, I've check my permission, was just reading your other post's on this matter and that didn't help, this spam is a killer, I installed today and had 1page of spam, did an update and had 50pages did it again 3times and now have 130 pages of spam, was it a spam day for all of us or is that common for new installs?
just blubbering on, need sleep going to bed now, be back later, heres a link for a temporary download link for the]Flash chat file 12.5kbs
thank's for the imput , yeah I'm wanting to keep the xml thingy ok also, thanks alot for your time and you guys are the nicest!!! People :D

4 Mar 23, 2006 16:47


Yes, we were devastated to lose our PCT journal data, but ultimately, we have only ourselves to blame, as we had plenty of time to make backups. AND we know enough that we SHOULD HAVE. :|

I had a quick look at your mambo page and see the skyChat functionality. It's a very streamlined shoutbox.

I know I've seen those on b2evo blogs and so I hunted one down

You can get a similar one (and style it to your liking) at:

You might email Don and ask him how difficult it was to install and how he likes it, but it seems like a good alternative. It provides the functionality you want, it's free, highly configurable, offers additional features (name, smilies, etc) and is probably less obtuse.

Hope this helps. :D

RE: bad urls, I have made a hack that provides more information on invalid urls, have you tried that?

SPAM: We don't get much, so we're lucky. I have no idea how your entire page was hijacked (first time I've heard of such a thing). Normally, comments come in the form of comments, trackbacks or referrals. Unfortunately, I can't offer much assistance there.

5 Mar 24, 2006 01:42

your very helpful and going to install that shout box, thank-you for the links, I like the archiving and minimul affect. I'll try your patches for the img not showing, thank's again, Vanessa

6 Apr 04, 2006 18:06

The ShotBox is easy to install.... just a few pieces of code to C&P ...

What I liked about it is the customisation options. And for some reason does not attract the spammers like some others do.

I'd defenitely suggest [url=]ShoutBox[/url]

7 Apr 04, 2006 23:58

I'll give them ago, the myshout box one, when they come back on line, the link you have there comes up with no server for now, probably maitenence. The tag board looked ok but the spammers were pretty severe, all the banned antispam list were showing up on it. So I uninstalled that one, I know they have a bought version, that says you can ban the spam and ip address' but for me if it doesn't work in a trial, I won't test the buy version. Besides I wanted to have the code and php scripts to be able to control my own admin, hopefully the myshoutbox will do that for me, can't hurt to try, thank-you for sharing

8 Nov 04, 2006 14:49

Update :

I've removed the ShoutBox script from my sidebar. Nothing wrong with the script. just wanted a change of feel and look for my blog

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