I'm a newbie having a trouble in testing my local hosted be2volution 0.9.1.
When posting a test message in Blog A or Blog All (or whatever), hitting "preview" works fine, but hitting "save!" I get an error "Cannot post, please correct these errors: Supplied URL is invalid: Invalid URL".
What's wrong with my operation?
My installation looks fine. It's on Gentoo Linux with apache 2.0.55, php 4.4.0 and mod_php and mysql 4.1.14 which can run phpBB. The only hack was "chmod 666 _config.php". All the necessary tables in mysql database were created, etc....all look fine.
Hi maverick,
As long as I can remember, this error is related to an error in the url you are trying to post with your message.
Try posting with an empty "Link to url:" field for testing, and do not forget http:// at the beginning when you submit one...